What to do if the snake
finds you befor you find them?
There are 2 kinds of snakes seen often here, the
rattler and the moccasin. Now the rattle, he isn't
a very aggressive little creature, unless you step on
him that is. More often than not he will make you
well aware of his presence long befor you see him,
you'll hear those rattlers going. Just stop, find
out where the racket is coming from, and back away
from him slowly. He just wants to mind his own
business, and hopes you do the same.
The other
one, the dreaded moccasin (or cotton mouth as we
call em), is black and you find him around wet areas
or in the water. Unlike the rattler, this fierce
creature is extremely aggresive!
(Had one try to get in the boat with me while fishing
one time, he was slithering up the anchor rope!)
If you do tangle with a snake take note here: Be sure
you know what kind of snake it was the bite you, if
possible kill that varmit and take him with you as
your immediately seek medical attention! The doc's
can't treat you with anti-venom if they don't know
what kind of venom you have in ya.
You have a 50%
chance that the critter didn't inject venom in you,
but don't lag lally around and take a chance.
To The Top
Uh Oh, you got a sunburn!
Okay, ya got to having sooo much fun you forgot all
about the sunscreen. Don't feel bad, if you went
home and didn't have the skin tone of a lobster,
nobody would think you were ever here. So grin and
bear it, it's your sunshine trophy! While you are
being tough though, here are some hints to help ease
the pain.
#1- DON'T put butter on it! I know, we been told
that is the best thing for a burn, but trust me, all
it causes is intense pain and blisters.
#2- Aloe Vera is pretty darn good, and Oatmeal spray
or baths help greatly! (don't go running to the
grocery store for the pack of oatmeal, right idea,
wrong product...ask in the pharmacy)
#3- Noxema works good to cool that burn down a
#4- For intense sunburns, please be sure to seek
profession attention. They can be more serious
sometimes than you think, and there is no need to
suffer when you don't have to!
To the Top
Alighty, that is Louise's list of Do's and Don't while you are visiting here. If I forgot something you think needs to be added here please Email me.
I hope you enjoy your visit and come back again someday. If you would be so kind after you get back home, drop me a note and let me know what you thought of your trip to Florida. I would be most interested in knowing the good and the bad of it all. If you find a nice little outta the way spot you think others would enjoy, tell me about them and I will add it to my list of sites to see while here.
Happy Trails to all our visitors!