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Travel on down hwy 70 to find out more about me and my family

My Picture Pages
Come on in, let's browse the family photo album!

Soul Stuff
From the heart, for the heart...some great stories and such to warm you soul. (more to be added soon)

We proud to announce that our Florida Swamp pages are now here also! Come on in, look around. These pages are about Florida from this crackers point of view. There is information on the Everglades here, visitors tips, and my commentary on the state.

Louise's Florida Swamp ....The REAL Florida

Anyone who knows me can assure you of the fact that I have a love for the Florida Everglades, to me they are much more than worthless swamp land in the state. They are a vital part of the eco system here and their beauty is a sight to see. Recently the glades lost a wonderful lady who spent her life fighting to save them. At age 108 Marjory Stoneman Douglas passed away in May, 1998. Please take a moment to read a short tribute to this amazing woman.

Her story is in my Florida Swamp Index

Be sure to visit my Webrings I am a member of

My Awards Page!
Yep, I finally got a couple...yeee haw! Thank you! Thank you!

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