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Rotag is hanging out down at the bottom of this page instead of the top cause he has got a special patriotic showing to make. He wants me to send a special thanks to SweetMamaPam for helping him out with the new holiday look.

So while he is gettin all spiffied up, I just want to wish everyone out there a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend from everyone here in the Swamp. I know it will be a great weekend for my hubby and I, it will be our 15th wedding aniversary....oh I hope it don't rain all day like it did when we said "I do!"

Be sure to take some time during your festivities to be greatful for this great nation we live in! LET FREEDOM RING! While there are those who belive that our freedom's have been lost to us, you have to remember, we still have more freedom here than in any other nation on earth. We have the rights to choose our religion, speak our mind, and even complain about out own government if we choose to, and don't have to worry about being shot dead in the street by military forces. YES, we have FREEDOM! And lets not forget those men and women who fought and died so that we might remain forever free.

Remember to please be careful with the fireworks, expecially in those area that have had very little rain, we don't wanna set the swamps on fire again!

So grab ya grill, and the hotdogs, and the radio, and anything else to make that picnic perfect, and let's have a great time!

FROM: Jerry, Louise, Denise, and yes...Rotag too!

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