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Welcome to Flames hompage!

              Some important news I am currently have some computer problems so I will not be updating most of the page for about a week or two. Hi welcome to my home page. In this home page I will have mostly a brief description and links.
NOTE don't use the email listed, Use to mail me any comment or requests.
Thank You

              Direct chat rooms ,instant messages , and file transfers all for free sound good. Get ICQ at .If you already have ICQ you can look for my UIN its 1949446. Use it to contact me to play most of the games listed (many more that aren't) if i don't have the game i can probably tell you a person who does. OK here is the rating system. There will be four categories here they are. 

= poor to ok game.
= a fairly decent game worth looking at.
a very good.
=a truly awesome game a must get.

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Best Games Ever
What Do you think the greatest game is?

Ultima Online (UO)
Command & Conquer Series
Warcraft Series
Heroes of Might and Magic 1&2

Current Results


Navigating the page!

   Some of my friends pages! Check 'em out 
  My subspace page   RED ALERT
 My Ultima Online page    Warcraft 2 page
 Diablo page is here   Heroes and Might and Magic 2 page
 Astrology Sign Page     Starcraft