"I can't believe you felt this way. I wish you would have told me sooner. I feel the same way. I just never knew how to tell you."

He slowly leaned towards her resting his hand on her cheek. Sam held her breath in anticipation and closed her eyes. She had waited so long for this moment and her is was. Closer and closer and............

"Ms. Michaels!!"

Sam jerked out of her revere and stared blindly at her teacher, Mr. Mitchell.

"Yes?" she questioned in a small voice.

"Would you care to join us back in the real world or is our discussion interrupting your daydreams?"

"Sorry sir..."

"Yes, you are sorry Ms. Michael's. How dare you sit here in my class and not pay attention. Instead you sit there and fantasize about some boy probably!"

Sam turned a deep shade of red as mortification overcame her. Just then the bell rang, saving Sam from further humiliation. Sam shot out of her seat and raced into the hallway. Not watching where she was going she ran directly into Nick.

"Whoa, slow down Sam! What's up?"


"Come on, you know you can't lie to me. What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's just stupid Mr. Mitchell. He hates me......he's always picking on me, it's so embarrassing. I hate him!"

"Yea, Mr. Mitchell is a jerk. Don't sweat it Sam. You want me to beat him up for ya?"

Sam didn't respond but just smiled at him while shaking her head.

"Come on Sam, I'll walk you to class."

As they fell into step beside each other, they remained silent. The silence wasn't broken until they reached her class.

"Um......Sam, what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing!" she replied quickly and hopefully.

"Oh good. Do you think you could come over and babysit?"

"Oh.......well I think you're a little old for a babysitter Nick."

"Ha Ha Sam. Not me, Aaron. Abby and I just made a date but I'm supposed to watch Aaron this weekend."


"Well, mom and dad are going away for the weekend. BJ, Leslie an Angel have a church retreat. Aaron was supposed to go with them but he's not feeling well. SO......Can you?? PLEEEEEZE!!!!?"

"Yea I guess so. Not like I had any plans anyway. What time?"

"Well........say sixish?"

"Fine, I gotta go, bye Nick."

"Bye Sam. Thanks!"

Nick hugged her and ran off to his class as Sam went into hers.


Sam ran out of the school and began walking home. She had a lot of stuff to do before she went next door to watch Aaron. The walk wasn't that long but it was hot outside which made it miserable. As she rounded the corner she saw that Nick was already home, or at least his truck was. Unlocking her door, Sam headed in and began to do her chores. He parents were away on their second honeymoon, so Sam had the whole house to keep clean. Not that she minded......she kinda liked being left alone. After finishing the majority of her chores, Sam took a quick shower and then got ready to babysit.

"Oh boy, what fun this night is gonna be," she mumbled as she walked next door. Sam loved Aaron, but she wasn't in the mood to babysit. Without bothering to knock, Sam let herself inside the front door. She couldn't remember a time when she had knocked on this door.


No answer. Listening closely Sam heard water running. Grinning, Sam headed into the kitchen. Grabbing a large cup, she filled it with cold water and some ice. Slowly making her way up the stairs, Sam paused outside the bathroom door. The door was cracked and she could hear Nick singing loudly. Trying to contain her giggles, she slowly pushed the door open, pausing to see if he noticed. When she was sure he hadn't, she slowly crept into the bathroom and standing on the toilet seat, stood up. She was just able to make out the top of his head. Holding her breath, Sam reached out and dumped the ice water on Nick. Not waiting to see his reaction, Sam jumped down and raced out of the bathroom. She heard him scream in surprise as she ran down the stairs. Tossing the cup in the sink, Sam ran and sat down on the couch and tried to act nonchalant. A moment later she heard Nick run down the stairs. Sam just sat there and stared at a magazine while trying not to giggle.


"Oh, hey Nickers! Is that what you're wearing on your date?" Sam said looking at Nick. He was standing before her, hands on hips, in a towel.

"I told you to never call me that. I hate it."

Sam couldn't take it any longer. She collapsed into a fit of giggles. Taking this as a confession of guilt, Nick stepped towards her and began tickling her.

"NO!! Stop...........please Nick........stop!!" Sam gasped out.

"Nope, fraid not! No can do!"

This continued for a few more minutes while they wrestled around. Then they heard the front door open.

"Whoa! Sorry Nick, didn't know you were um.......busy," Brian said standing in the doorway.

"WHAT?!?," both Nick and Sam yelled at the same time.

"Oh oops, sorry Sam. Didn't know that was you. All I saw was your legs and Nick sitting atop of you. Didn't look quite right if you know what I mean."

"You're right........this probably doesn't look right. Nick get off of me!"

"No way.........not until you apologize."

"Fine! I'm sorry, now get your ass off of me."

Nick stood up and then helped Sam up.

"So what did you do Sam?" Brian asked.

"Just poured some cold water on him while he was in the shower."

Brian looked from Sam to Nick and just started laughing.

"Oh man, that's a good one Sam!!"

"Well, guys, sit here and laugh all you want. I've got a date to prepare for, I'm going to get dressed."

Brian and Sam watched as Nick walked upstairs while holding a death grip on his towel.

"So, why did you do that Sam?"

"Well, for one, it was just too good of an opportunity to miss. I mean, the door was open, he was singing away. He didn't see it coming. And second, cuz I'm incredibly disappointed in him."

"Why are you disappointed in him?"

"Because he's going out with Abby."

"Okay.......what's wrong with Abby?"

"Oh, lets see. She's a blonde airhead bimbo. A two faced slut and a backstabbing little twit who will hurt anyone to get what she wants."

"Ouch...........sounds personal."

"It is......she did everything she could to steal my boyfriend last year. She spread all sorts of nasty rumors. And she kept spreading them until he finally believed them and broke up with me. What gets me is that Nick knows this and couldn't stand her. He was ready to kill her last year but I guess the enticement of her spreading her legs got to be too much. She's been after him for 6 months now and he always used to say no. Until now that is."

"Oh.......I can see why you don't like her, but hey, it's Nick's mistake, not yours."

"I know........just makes me wanna puke...........What are you doing here anyway?"

"Well, I was supposed to hang out with Nick, but he called and said he had a date. But since I had nothing else planned I thought I'd come and hang with you and Aaron. If you don't mind that is."

"Of course not. You're more than welcome to join us in the land of boredom."

"Why thank you! I feel honored! I think I'm gonna go check on Nick though. He obviously isn't himself lately. Better make sure he doesn't pick out something.......embarrassing to wear."

Brian got up and headed up to Nicks room. Sam just sat there and looked around. After a few minutes went by she heard the floorboard creak. Thinking it was Nick, she jumped up and yelled "AH HA!". Then she saw that it was Aaron. The poor boy must've jumped 5 feet in the air.

"Oh Aaron, I'm sorry!! I thought you were Nick."

"It's okay.......just scared me a bit."

"Sorry, how ya feeling?"

"Fine, why?"

"Nick said you were sick."

"I wouldn't say sick. I just had a headache but it's gone now."

"Well I'm glad. So what did you want to do tonight?"

"I don't know."

"Well, why don't we go ask Brian. He's gonna hang with us tonight."

Aaron nodded his head and then they made their way upstairs. Upon entering Nick's room both her and Aaron began coughing.

"Geez Nick, how much of that crap did you use!?" Sam managed to squeeze out between coughs.

"Not now Sam, get out," Nick said while pushing her out the door. Once she was out he shut and locked the door. Sam just stared at the door. She couldn't believe he had just locked her out. Sam turned and stomped down the stairs. Plopping down on the couch she stared off into space. About 20 minutes later Nick, Brian and Aaron trooped into the living room.

"So Sam, I need a girls opinion. What do you think?"


"Dammit Sam, what is your problem?"

"You asked for my opinion and I gave it to you."

"What with the attitude and the snide remarks?"


"Ugh!! You're being so............Female!"

"Well geez Nick, maybe that's because I am a female!"

"I don't have time for this. I'll be home later Aaron. I'll come and check on you."

"Okay, g'night Nick." Aaron said and then left the room with Brian.

"Please make an attempt to get home at a decent hour so I can go home."

Nick just looked at Sam and then turned and left, slamming the door on his way out.


Later that evening Brian and Sam were sitting around watching TV. Aaron had been in bed for a little bit cause he wasn't feeling well.

"So what's going on Sam?"


"Come on, why are you so mad at Nick?"

"Because! I thought he was different. By going out with Abby he's reinforcing the stereotype that guys date girls for sex."

"Sam, you know Nick better than that."

"Do I? I thought I knew him well enough to know he'd never go out with someone like Abby.........and I was wrong. So obviously I don't know him as well as I thought."

"Sam...........why don't you just tell......."


Sam and Brian looked over to see Aaron standing on the stairs clutching his stomach. He was white as a ghost. Sam got up and rushed over to him.

"What's the matter Aaron?"

"I don't feel so good........"

"You think you're gonna be sick?"

As Aaron nodded his head, Sam picked him up and carried him up to the bathroom. For the next two hours Sam and Brian comforted him as he continued to get sick. After he was done, Sam cleaned him up and took him into his room. Brian went downstairs to lay down while Sam tucked Aaron into his bed.

"I want Nick....." Aaron mumbled.

"I know sweetie, but he's not home yet."

Looking up she saw Aaron on the verge of tears.

"Oh don't cry. How about I'll stay right here until he gets home, ok?"

Aaron sniffled but nodded. Sam watched as he slowly fell asleep. Poor thing. He'd spent two hours throwing up. He was so weak right now. Too tired to move herself, Sam leaned against Aaron's bed and fell asleep.


After Nick had dropped an astonished Abby back off at her place, he drove around for a bit before heading home. He was thinking about what to do with Sam. He knew she was pissed cuz he went out with Abby. He supposed he should have told her it was all a set up.........but he wanted to see if she trusted him......which she obviously didn't.

When Nick pulled into the driveway he was surprised to find all the lights off. He figured Sam would have been so pissed that she would have waited up just to argue with him. Letting himself in, he saw that Brian was fast asleep on the couch. After searching the rest of the first floor he headed upstairs to find Sam. She wasn't in the guestroom nor was she in any of the girls rooms. Lastly he checked Aaron's room and there she was. Sitting on the floor, leaning against the bed, lightly holding Aaron's asleep. Smiling, Nick walked up to the bed. When he reached it, Aaron woke up.

"Hey Kiddo, why's Sam sleeping in here?"

"She promised to stay until you got home," he answered groggily.


"Cuz I was sick......"

"Well, how are you feeling now?"


"Well, go back to sleep. I'm gonna take Sam into my room."

Aaron nodded his head, already halfway asleep. Picking Sam up, he carried her into his room which was connected to Aaron's by a bathroom. Settling her comfortably in his bed, Nick headed to the shower. After washing away the overbearing scent of Abby's perfume, he checked on Aaron once more. Seeing him fast asleep, he headed back into his room. Laying down beside Sam, he fell asleep instantly.

Chapter Two