Nick looked at his clock again. 6am. Groaning, he got up and stretched. He was too excited to sleep. It was finally Saturday and they would finally get to perform in front of an audience. Putting on his swimming trunks, Nick decided to take a dip in the pool and work off some of his nervous energy and to kill some time.


Sam was running usual. She was supposed to be at Nick's in 10 minutes and she wasn't even halfway ready. She had woken up late since she forgot to set her alarm clock. As Sam raced into the kitchen, she grabbed a banana and ran next door. Without bothering to knock, Sam barged in and up to Nick's room. Once again, Sam opened the door without knocking.

"SAM!!" Nick screamed in surprise as Sam plopped down on his bed.

"Oh please Nick! I've seen you in your underwear before! Those are nice boxers though."

Nick turned bright red. At that moment the guys entered the room. They had heard Nick scream and decided to go investigate.

"So Nick.........what's going on here?" Brian asked looking from Nick who was standing in his underwear to Sam, who was on the bed grinning.

"Oh you know......simple scenario. Girl next door forgets how to be polite and knock!"

"Oh get over it Nick. You know me......I never knock."


Sam just rolled her eyes giggling.

"Hey Nick......was the door locked?"

"No Brian, it wasn't."

"Then I'm sorry buddy, but you're at fault. Should've locked it. I mean, damn, we all know Sam......the girl doesn't knock.....never has, never will."

"Why thank you Brian......I think. But you're right. Nick, you should lock your door when you don't want anyone to come in. Besides, you're the one who told me to be here at 10:30......I was running you should've already been ready," Sam said and then stuck her tongue out at Nick.

Nick picked up a discarded pillow and whacked Sam on the head.

"Hey!!" Sam cried grabbing another pillow and hitting nick, knocking him onto the bed.

"PILLOW FIGHT!!!" AJ yelled.

Then all hell broke loose. Pillows were flying. Another few minutes of this and they all fell into a heap on Nick's bed, out of breath.

"Come on guys. Lets get out so Nick can finished getting dressed so we can leave," Kevin said.

Everyone but Sam got up to leave.

"Come on Sam," Brian said dragging her off the bed and out the door. A few minutes later they were all heading out the door. They all got in the van that had been rented and the rest of the guys made it so Sam and Nick were stuck sitting next to each other. After being on the road for 15 minutes they realized Nick and Sam hadn't said a word.

"Okay you two.....what's up?"

"What are you talking about Brian?"

"I'm talking about you two!! Neither of you have said a word. And we all know Nick loves to talk.......especially about a certain someone. And we all know Sam loves to talk.......especially about yet another certain someone. And wouldn't luck have it! The two certain someones are sitting right next to each other!! So why aren't you two talking to each other?? You aren't fighting again, are you?"

Nick and Sam looked at each other.....both blushing bright pink and shook their heads no.

"Then what is wrong with you two!!?"

"Nothing Brian!"

"Yea Brian, nothing. I'm just tired."

Nick turned to Sam with a concerned look on his face.

"You okay?"

"Yea I'm fine! Geez people....I just didn't get a decent nights sleep is all. I'll be fine. Turn on the radio or something."

Brian turned back around and mumbled "PMS" under his breath.

"What was that Brian?"

"Huh? Oh nothing Sam."

"You know.....guys are so pathetic!!! You think that everytime a girl is in a slightly bad mood, it's gotta be PMS!! Well sorry to burst your bubble, but that's not it!"

By then Sam was almost screaming. Nick put his arm around her and started whispering in her ear while the other guys exchanged looks.

"Sam.....relax. I think Brian was just playing around. Are you sure you're ok?"


Sam just started staring off into space and beforea nyone knew it she had her head on Nick's shoulder and she was fast asleep.

"So Nick, is she ok?"

"Yea Brian......she's just tired and therefore irritable.

"Ok.........sorry man, I didn't mean to piss her off."

"Don't sweat it......I don't think she feels to well. Why don't we all warm up during the ride."

Everyone nodded and they started warming up their voices. Quietly at first so they wouldn't wake Sam but louder when they realized she was out cold.


"Sam............Sam...........come on Sam, time to get up......" Nick whispered in her ear as he gently shook her.

Sam slowly opened her eyes to find herself staring into Nick's.

"Hey sleepyhead. We're here."

Sam groggily sat up and looked around.

"Where is everyone?"

"They already headed inside."

" is Brian mad at me?"

"No, why?"

"Cuz I jumped down his throat earlier."

"No he's not mad.....surprised but not mad. Are you sure you're ok? You look kinda pale."

"Yea.........I'm just tired. Come on, lets go."

Sam followed Nick into the park and over to the area where they'd be performing. The rest of the guys were just standing around as they waited for Mr. Wood.

"Um........guys.........look, I'm sorry bout earlier. I was out of it," Sam said looking at the ground.

"Hey it's no problem Sam. Everyone has their moments. You know though, now I have to feed you to Shamu," Brian said, grabbing Sam and slinging her over his shoulder and walking away.

"Brian!! Put me down!!" she squeeled. Brian just kept on walking, "NICK!! HELP ME!!"

After moment Nick chased after them. Once Sam was back on the ground she turned to Nick.

"My Hero!!!!!" she exaggerated, giving him a hug.

"My damsel in distress!!" Nick said returning the hug and giving Brian a look while grinning from ear to ear.


All three of them turned to look at AJ.

"Sorry to break up the orgy, but Mr. Wood is here!"

Looking at each other, they headed back to the group.

"Hey guys. Are you ready for today??"

Mr. Woods question was met with an enthusiastic 'YES' from everyone. They all went into the building they'd be using for changing and getting ready. After everyone was settled Mr. Wood went into detail about what would happen that day. The guys would sing three songs for each performance. All of the songs were cover songs. After each performance, they'd meet and great the audience and anyone who came up to them pretty much. After all that was settled, the guys had to start getting ready. Sam sat in the lobby of the building on a couch and before she knew it, she was asleep. Nick came out a little bit later to find her fast asleep. He stood there debating whether to wake her or not when Kevin came up to him.

"Hey, you ready?"

"Shhh.....Sam's sleeping. Should I wake her Kev?"

"Na, let her sleep. Wake her for the second show."

"Okay, well, lets go!"

Kevin and Nick went and joined the others outside. They were all standing around, nervous. There were a lot of people out there it seemed. And the mini-concert was going to be broadcasted over the speakers throughtout the park so everyone could hear.

"You guys ready?" Mr. Wood asked.

Everyone just stood there and nodded, looking scared.

"Go get 'em guys!"

Looking at each other, they all walked out onto the stage.....


Sam woke up disorientated. She had no clue where she was. After looking around for a few minutes she finally remembered.

"I wonder where they all are......." she mumbled to herself.

Before she really had time to wonder, the guys walked back into he building, their faces shining with excitement.

"Man!! That was.........awesome!!" AJ exclaimed.

"Yea I know man......what a rush!!!

They continued to talk and giggle excitedly, not even noticing Sam yet. A few more minutes went by until Nick glanced over.

"Hey Sam!! You're up! Did you have a nice nap?"

"Yea.......why didn't you wake me?"

"Well, you seemed so tired and you looked so cute just sleeping there, I didn't have the heart to wake ya."

" I missed the show?"

"Just the first one. We've got the other one in a few hours. You'll get to see that."

"Hey guys, lets go get something to eat! I'm starving!" Howie shouted to everyone.

Slowly they all filed out of the building and went in search of a restaurant. On the way they had a few little kids ask them for their autographs. Sam thought it was so cute. They all sat around talking while they ate. Everyone was having a blast when they realized they had to get back for the second show. First they led Sam to a front row seat that they had saved for her. Then the all headed back to get ready.


Sam sat in her seat and watched the stage nervously. She didn't know why she was nervous.......she wasn't the one up there.......she guessed she was nervous for the guys. After about ten minutes or so a man came out to do the introduction.

"HELLO SEAWORLD!!!!! What's up!!!!!!? Well, we've got a great show for you today!!! Today you're going to see an up and coming musical group with a lot of talent. They will perform a few songs for you that you know. SO, WOULD EVERYONE PLEASE GIVE IT UP FOR.....................THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!!!!"

Sam started giggling, "The Backstreet Boys??" she thought to herself. She stopped giggling once they walked out onto stage.

"HELLO EVERYBODY!!!! HOW ARE YA'LL DOING TODAY?!!" Brian asked the audience, "My name is Brian! Enjoy the show!!"

"YO PEEPS!!! ISN'T IS A GREAT DAY TO BE AT SEAWORLD!!!?" AJ hollared into the microphone, "My name is AJ!! Let's party!!"

"HELLO SEAWORLD!!! My names Howie, hope you enjoy the show!"

"PEACE EVERYBODY!!! My name is Kevin, sit back, relax and enjoy the show!"

"HI EVERYONE!! Lastly, my name is Nick!"

All of them glanced at each other real quick, "AND WE'RE THE BACKSTREET BOY!!!!!" they screamed.

The audience was loving this. Sam looked at the little girl on her left as she started talking about how cute they were. Stiffling her giggles, Sam turned her attention back to the stage. The guys broke into some fast beat song that Sam didn't know first. After that they went onto singing the "Gilligan's Island" theme song......which had the audience rolling in the ailes. Finally, they ended their performance with "End of the Road" by Boyz II Men. Sam just sat there amazed. She hadn't expected them to do as well as they did. Once the show was over, the crowd went wild.

"THANK YOU!!!! We're glad you enjoyed yourselves!!!" Brian hollared.

"GOODNIGHT SEAWORLD!!!" they all screamed into the crowd.

Sam got up and headed back to the building where she was supposed to meet they guys. They showed up about 45 minutes later after talking to the crowd and signing autographs. They all walked back into the room, still hyper from the adrenaline. As soon as Sam saw Nick walk in, she ran up to him and hugged him.

"Oh man, you did great Nick!!!"

Nick looked a little stunned as he looked at the other guys.


"Gee thanks's not like Nick was the only one out there!" Brian joked.

"Sorry!! You all did a great job!!! You're really good!!! But I must say one thing...........the Backstreet Boys???"

"Hey!!! Leave out name alone......we like it!"

Sam looked at Howie after he said that. He looked like he was pouting. They all looked like they were pouting. Sam couldn't take it, she started laughing. After they had ganged up on her and tickled her until she cried, they all packed up and headed out to the van. During the ride back, Brian looked back and saw that both Nick and Sam had fallen asleep......leaning on each other.

"AW!!! Look guys, aren't they cute!?"

" are they an official couple yet?"

"I don't think so Howie.......they both want to be......they're just to immature to admit it!"

The rest of the guys went on to discuss the show and forgot about Nick and Sam until they reached their places. After being woken up, Nick tiredly walked Sam to her door and then headed home himself. His parents were waiting up and after giving them the story on how the show went, he headed upstairs and collapsed on his bed.......already half asleep.

Chapter Twelve