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A little about me

Well if you want to know about me, you've come to the right place! You're probably also wanting to know whats with the JC cursor, well right now my bestest frined in the whole wide world is holding a gun to my head that if I don't put JC on here somewhere she's going to tear down all my joey and chris pictures in my room and use them for toilet paper. The cursor is for the sake of the freaks, so just ignore it! hehehe luv ya duck!!

Name: Kristen

Nicknames: Purplecactus(don't ask), moron, C, Chick

B-day: January 24 1983

Hobbies: surfing the net, talking to my friends, shopping

Fav music: 'N SYNC(obviously), Puff Daddy, Barenaked Ladies, Smashing Pumpkins, Limp Bizkit, EMinem, LFO, Billy Joel, Elton John, Phil Collins, Tyrese

Fav school subject: I'm finally done with High School!! Morehead State here I come!!

State I live in: Ohio and Kentucky starting in the fall

How I first got interested in 'N SYNC: Well in our city there was a radio station having a contest to have 'N SYNC come to a local school and our school got really into it and I just fell in love with their voices! BTW we didn't win the contest!

Family: Mom, dad, bro, sis, bro-in-law,nephew and neice

Fav color: purple and silver

Why I like Joey: He's funny, he's a sweetheart, he doesn't seem stuck up, he cares about his fans and finally, he's really cute, especially his laugh!

Some things that the guys have said about him:

"He's like a tickle me Elmo"- can't remember who said it, but if you know for sure email me!

"If I had auditioned everyone I don't think Joey would've made it"- Chris on Regis and Kathie Lee(cruel I know, but Chris was just joking!)

"Joey brings charisma to the group"-Chris YM July 2000

"When he's trying to be funny and nobody's in the mood, he'll start tapping you and force you to laugh."- Chris YM July 2000

Why I like Chris: He's adorable, he always makes me laugh, he seems like the perfect dad, he acts like a lil kid!

What the guys have said about Chris:

"Chris is sugar. He sweats sugar."- Joey YM July 2000

"He's all heart. He stands up for us all the time."- Justin YM July 2000

"He's too hyper"- J.C. YM July 2000

"He doesn't have an attention span at all."- Lance YM July 2000

Well thats it! Hope I didn't bore you! Adios chicas!

Hey ya'll visit this site, it's awesome!!


