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Facts on Chris

So you really wanna know about Chris huh? Ok, u asked for it!!

Name: Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick

Place of Birth: Clarion, PA

Birthday: October 17, 1971 (He's 11 years, 3 months and 1 week older than me, not that I'm counting)

So that makes this freak: 29 years old

Sisters: Molly 26, Kate 24, Emily 18, and Taylor 7

Car: cherry red PT Cruiser

Star sign: Libra

Best Matches: Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius(WAHOO! Sorry bout that! :-)


color: Silver

shows: South Park, Simpsons and other cartoons shows

food: Mexican

drink: orange juice

musicians: Busta Rhymes, Phil Collins, Brian McKnight

sports: basketball, football, hockey

teams: Football: Pittsburgh Steelers Hockey: Pittsburgh Penguins

go visit this site, it's awesome!! PLus, just look at those eyes!

Places to go

What about Joey?
I wanna see that cutie Chris!
I wanna go home!
