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Don't Ever Let Go

"Well it'sabout 6:15. We should probably start heading to the hotel. I want to change before we go to dinner" Joey said looking at his watch

"Good I'm getting hungry anyway" Salem said walking towards the garage. The trip to the mall was pretty uneventful, except for a few fans here and there. Slame got a few mean looks from the really crazy fans, but she just brushed them off. "So tell me about the other guys." Salem asked getting into the car.

"Well let's see. Justin's the youngest, he's 17. He's obsessed with basketball and the UNC Tarheels. He's originally from Memphis. Lance is the 2nd youngest, he just turned 19 a week ago. He's originally from Mississippi. I'm in the middle age wise. Then there's J.C. He's originally from Maryland and he'll be 22 in August. He and Justin were on the Mickey Mouse Club. Last but not least, there's Chris, the one you talked to earlier. He's 26 and from Pittsburgh."

"Wow quite a diverse group there it sounds like"

"Yep that's for sure, but we all get along like brothers." Five minutes later Joey pulled into vallet parking at the Westin Hotel in downtown Cincinnati.

"Not bad Fatone, not bad at all" Salem commented as they walked into the lobbey. They got into an elevator and Joey pushed the button for the fourth floor. When they stepped out of the elevator, they were almost run down bya speeding braided thing on rollerblades. Luckily, Joey pushed himself and Salem into the wall before they were hit.

"Chris watch where you're going every once in awhile" Joey yelled at the man down the hall. The man stopped and turned around skating back to where he came from.

"So you must be Salem" Chris said stopping in front of her.

"Yes that would be me and I'm guessing that you're the Chris I talked to earlier." "Well it's nice to finally meet you, even if you did almsot run me over"

"Sorry about that. I thought that it was Justin in the elevator. He went downstairs for something a few minutes ago and I've been waiting for him. It's payback time for that boy" "That little blond boy squirted lemon in my orange juice this morning at breakfast."

"Not bad for Justin. I swear you two act your shoe size more than your age" Joey said. "Well I'm going to go change, Salem you're coming with me. I don't trust him alone with you." Salem followed Joey down the hall to his room. Salem walked in and saw clothes strewen everywhere. Just then her beeper went off. She took it out of her purse and immediatly recognized Mike's number on it.

"Joey can I use your phone?"

"Sure it's over by the bed" Salem picked up the phone and idaled Mike's number, which she knew by heart. It rang two times before Mike answered it.


"Hi Mike. What's up Sweetie?"

"Why does my caller ID say Westin Hotel?"

"I'm with my brother's friend, Joey. We were out shopping and now we're going out to dinner with his friends"

"So you're in his hotel room?"

"Yeah so?"

" I can't believe this my girlfriend is cheating on me and she's not even trying to cover it up!"

"Mike what makes you think that I'm cheating on you? Joey and I are just friends!"

"Yeah like I'm supposed to believe that! I'm glad I found all this out before going off to college!" Mike said slamming down the receiver. Salem couldn't believe what had just happened. A few tears rolled down her cheek. "Mike thought I was cheating on him, so he borke up with me" Salem said crying a little more.

"Salem I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do?" Joey asked hugging Salem. Salem felt his big strong arms pull her closer and she didn't protest or push him away. His arms felt right, almost like they were made to fit around her body.

"Don't ever let go."


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