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Give Him A Chance

“I don’t get it Sale. You haven’t seen this guy in 10 years and you don’t even give him a chance!” Sale looked at her best friend, Nia, like she had just asked her to jump off the Empire State building.

“A chance for what? A chance to torture me? A chance to criticize me?”

“A chance to show you that he’s changed! Ever think about that Sale?”

“He doesn’t change”

“How do you know, you didn’t even give him a chance! Let me ask you something. Did he come in start torturing you?”

“Does him being here and talking to me count as torture?”


“Well then technically, no he didn’t torture me”

“There’s your answer, he’s changed. The old Joey would’ve come in and started something right away.”

“Ha, he’s just trying to catch me off guard! Believe me, I know Joey Fatone”

“Ok, fine be stubborn”

“I am not stubborn”

“Yeah, and I really do look like Brandy!”

“You do, especially when you let me do those oh-so-fun teeny tiny braids.”

“You know I don’t trust those salons, especially after what I saw happen to that one girl’s hair on Jerry Springer”

“Remember, she was also in fight when you saw her!” The two girls laughed thinking about how many times they had watched the show over summer vacation.

“Well I gotta go to my fun underpaying job” Nia said standing up.

“If Ryan comes home early, I’ll come visit you”

“Yeah so you can get a discount on your import CDs”

“Why else do you think you’re my best friend?”

“Oh gee thanks a lot! Love you too Sale!”

“Yeah I know!” The two friends walked out the door towards Nia’s car parked in the driveway. When they reached the driveway, another car pulled up.

“Who’s that?” Nia asked not recognizing the car or the driver.

“Unfortunately, Joey” Salem replied. Joey turned off the car and got out.

“Hey Sale, who’s your friend?” Joey asked checking out Nia.

“Nia, this is Joey. Joey, this is my friend Nia.” Salem introduced reluctantly.

“Nice to meet you Nia. It’s good to know Sale made friends here in Cincinnati. She never had many back in Brooklyn” Joey commented jokingly

“Oh shut up Joey! You know that’s not true!” Salem said defensively.

“Sale, I was joking! You never had any friends remember, you always wanted to hang out with me and Ryan”

“That’s it Fatone!” Salem said furiously punching Joey in the stomach

“Hey that kinda hurt!” Joey said rubbing his stomach.

“That’s what you get for messing with me”

“As much as I would love to watch this Jerry Springer type fight, I got to get to work.” Nia said getting into the car.

“I’ll be over as soon as Ryan gets home.”

“No can do Sale. Ryan has to work for the rest of the day, cause one of the guys got sick” Joey explained

“Great! Wait if he’s working all day, why are you here?”

“Felt like visiting you!” Joey said smiling and giving Salem a hug.

“Ewww, get off me” Salem said pushing him away

“Oh well, I’ll call you tomorrow Sale”

“No! You can’t leave me here, please take me with you” Sale said standing next to the driver’s side door of Nia’s 93 Jeep Cherokee.

“Just give him a chance, ok. If it gets really bad call me at work and I’ll tell my boss my grandma’s sick and come stay with you. At least give him two hours, ok?”

“Ok, 2 hours.”

“Good, now I seriously need to go before I’m late.”

“Bye” Salem backed away from the car and watched as her friend drove away.

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