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Nothing Alike

"All right guys, we gotta decide where to go." Lance said. All the guys had trickled into Joey's room to meet. Chris was the first to come in. Then Lance and Justin. They both looked Salem up and down when they first met her. A few minutes later JC came in the room, still yawning from his afternoon nap. So far all they guy's were looking good in Salem's opinion.

"No Chinese food or Italian food!" Chris shouted over everyone talking at once. J.C. and Joey gave Chris an evil look.

"What other food is there?" J.C. asked.

"You have any suggestions Salem?" Justin asked.

"Well there's lots of things. There's AppleBees, T.G.I. Friday's, Cooker, Skyline, LaRosa's.."

"I'm guessing those last two are Cincinnati places." Lance asked

"Yep, tow of the best I might add!" Salem said

"Any Mexican places?" Chris asked.

"There's a few" Salem replied.

"I vote Mexican!" Chris said.

"You always want Mexican" Justin said chucking a pillow at him.

"Mexican is fine with me" Lance replied. Rounds of "Ok" and "Whatever" came from the other three guys.

"That settles it. Salem, take us to the best Mexican food in Cincinnati." Chris said placing her hands on her shoulders.

"Ok boys, let's go!" Salem said heading for the door. J.C. ran down the hall and knocked on a door. A tall body guard opened the door and followed J.C. back down the hall to the elevator.

"Salem, this is Lonnie. He's our bodyguard." Justin explained. The 7 of them got in the elevator and headed towards the lobbey. Al 7 climbed into the black van waiting right outside the hotel. Lonnie climbed into the driver's seat and Salem climbed into the front passenger seat to give him directions. Within 20 minutes they had arrived at "Juan and Rosa's Mexican Resturaunt"

"This place is kinda small" Chris commented climbing out of the van.

"Well you said you wanted the best and this is the best, I know the owner's personally." Salem said walking towards the entrance. When Salem entered, she was immediatley greeted by Christina, her friend and daughter of Juan and Rosa.

"Christina, what's up girl?"

"Not much Salem, who are your friends?" Christina asked eying Justin.

"Just some friends of mine in search of the best Mexican food in Cincinnati."

"Well you brought them to the right place!" Christina said walking them to a table.

The group sat at a large round table with Salem in between Joey and Justin. Everyone ordered their drinks and started looking at their menus. Salem already knew what she wanted.

"So Salem, Joey tells us you go to an all girls school. You think we could drop by sometime?" Justin asked closing his menu.

"Sorry, Justin prospective students only. You wouldn't be allowed in until after hours!"

"Isn't it wierd not having guys there?" Joey asked

"Yeah, it was at first, but then I got used to it" Salem answered.

"Salem, my mom wants to see you." Christina said coming back to the table with the drinks. Salem left the table and as soon as she was out of earshot, the guys piled on the questions on Joey.

"Is she single?" Justin asked.

"Yeah. but only for the past hour or so. her boyfriend paged her and she used my room phone to call him and he though she was cheating on him."

"Ouch! But you guys are just friends right?" Lance asked.

"Yeah. Dude, she's my best frined's younger sister. That would be just wrong to be more than that!"

Meanwhile in the kitchen...

"Salem! Where have you been? I haven't seen you around here for awhile!" Rosa exclaimed hugging Salem.

"Yeah I know. I've been a little busy." Salem answered.

"How's that nice boy Mike doing?" Rosa asked.

"Fine. A little upset though. He paged me and I called him back using my friend Joey's phone and he thought I was cheating on him, so he borke up with me"

"Oh honey I'm sorry. He isn't right for you if he doesn't trust you." Rosa said patting Salem's hand. "

I know. We haven't spent much time together the last few weeks and with him going off to college next year it had to happen sooner or later." Salem replied.

"Yeah, but it also looks like you have your pick with those guys out there!" Christina commemmnted.

"Them? I'd hardly ever see them. They're not from around here." Salem explained.

"So how do you know them?" Christina asked.

"It's a long story. I'll explain later." Salem said rolling her eyes.

"Well the blond one you were sitting next to has been talking non-stop to the borwn-haired one you were alos sitting next to."

"I've been single for a little over an hour! Give me time girl!" Salem said hitting her friend's arm playfully.

"Don't take too much time" Christina said as Salem walked back to the table. Once she was five feet away from the table, Joey and Justin stopped talking.

"So what would you suggest Salem?" Chris asked.

"Well everything is good, but Mama Rosa makes the best fajitas" Salem answered. Soon Christina's older brother, Miguel, was there to take everyone's orders.

After everyone finished their meal, they piled back into the van. This time Chris sat up front and Salem sat in the back in between Lance and Justin in the back seat. The two asked Salem questions non-stop until Joey finaly told them to stop.

"She's a female, not an alien. She isn't much different from you boys. Geez you two act as if you've never been around a girl before" Joey said quite agitated.

"Well it has been awhile since any of us had a girl around ya know" Justin answered.

"Plus if she's friends with you then we have to make sure she isn't an alien. So far she's passed the test" Lance added.

"Haha very funny" Slaem and Joey said in unison. Everyone looked at them.

"What?" they said together.

"You guys act too much alike sometimes" J.C. said.

"No we don't" they both said looking at J.C.

"We're back" Lonnie called putting the van in park. Everyone climbed out and walked into the lobbey. They all piled into the elevator without a word. When everyone got out, Lance turned to Salem.

"Justin has Scream on video and I was going to go watch it with him, wanna join us." Salem looked over at Joey and he was already to his door room. She could tell he was in a bad mood.

"Sure." Salem answered following Lance and Justin down the hall.

"If it means anything to you, I think that you and Joey act nothing a like." Justin told Salem.


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