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Serena's Story Part Three

It had been a week and Joey, nor the rest of Nsync, had any contact with Tara. Their schedules were bizarre and conflicted. Joey thought about sending flowers to her but then thought better of it. He supposed she would think he was coming on too strong or that they were just friends. AGGH! Why did thinking of her torment him? Why was it so hard to come clean about how he felt about her?

Finally after 2 weeks Tara called


“Joey is that you?” Joey paused…he wanted to say ‘it’s me Tara’

“Tara where are you?” Joey’s heart was beating so fast he was sure any minute it would leap out of his chest. He put his right hand over it to try and slow it down

“I’m in Paris, it’s so cold” Tara sounded so far away

“Paris? What the hell you doing out there?” Joey was so glad to hear her voice again, like a morning song. It felt like an eternity since he last heard her laughter, her sighs, giggles her very words.

“There’s a scene that the director thought would be…eaper…stead of building it…” Her words were getting cut off. Joey thought such luck to have a bad connection

“I miss you.we all miss you” Joey quickly added the ‘we’ in fear of sounding helpless and utterly in love. If she did not feel the same way, why should he embarrass himself and confess his love for her? He thought it was a crush, obsession, and lust and in good time would pass. Wasn’t it just today that he checked out that stunning blonde model walking across the street? Yeah and what was his 1st thought? ‘She’s gorgeous buy she is not Tara’

“I have to go to but Joey!” she paused almost whispering.

“ I miss you so much, I’ll be back in California next week, I really want to see you.” Joey was not sure if it was friendship or love she offered but he managed to spit out,

“ I miss you like a crazy man and I’ll be there, you hear me? you tell me when and where and I’ll be there” Joey’s eyes began to water at his excitement rising inside.

“I will! I promise, in a few days I will call you, I promise, Bye! Take care!”

“Bye Bye” Joey still held the telephone to his ear as he heard the click and he could not wait to see her, hold her. Tell her how much he loved her but then his thoughts were cut short by the dial tone.

Tara got off the plane anxiously awaiting Joey’s arrival. He didn’t say he would be at the airport (due to prior, couldn’t get out of, tour engagements) but he would be at her hotel (a little late maybe) Tara waited 15 minutes then took a cab back to the hotel. It was raining, dark, cold and windy but all Tara could think of was Joey and how warm his muscle bound arms would feel around her. Warm inside and out. Yes, this time away from Joey made her realize how much she loved him and for once who was willing to risk it all for. Even if it did not work out at least she would have love with a man who sets all her passions burning. The cab dropped her off in front of the hotel and she waited on a small bench on the side of the entrance doors. It was 10 at night and yet it was very quiet, a few people walked by and even a young couple holding hands; going about as if they were the last 2 people on earth. Seeing this made Tara yearn for more than friendship from Joey. She wanted love, passion, and excitement but would he feel the same or was she just a game? Maybe he wanted a model-type girlfriend like Brian is from the BSB. Tall, blonde, athletic type body, blue eyes perfects skin, teeth and nails. Jeez, her thoughts were driving her crazy. Where was he? It has been over an hour. Maybe he forgot, maybe he did not care. Tara’s eyes begun to tear up and then a car pulled in front of the hotel. Tara looked at it and there came Joey. Out into the rain, wind and very cold air. Tara could not help the tears running down her cheeks. She got up and started to take a step but stopped. Joey noticed and stopped too.

“Tara, what’s a matter?” Tara looked right at Joey and could not stop the tears from coming.

“I thought…I thought” she began to sob more. Joey ran to her and put both his arms around her. Tara looked down and Joey took 1 of his hands and lifted her chin

“ I ‘m so sorry. The show ran over. I got here as fast as I could. Please no tears.” Tara looked into his teddy bear brown eyes and did not seem to notice the tiny trickles of water running down his face.

“It’s just that…that” Tara tried to talk through the sobbing.

“What, what tell me Tara” Joey searched for an answer on her face.

“ I thought you weren’t going to come” with the words finally making them out of Tara is now trembling lips. She had begun to cry. Joey hugged her close and tight. Tara’s head rest against his chest with the top of it brushing his strong chin.

“Oh Tara, my dear sweet Tara, I love you! I am sorry you sat here in the rain and that…” Tara raising her head and cutting Joey’s apology speech short.

“What did you say?” she asked. Joey looked at her face studying it; not sure if she wanted him to repeat the whole thing or a certain part but when he looked into her eyes he knew the words she wanted to hear.

“I said I love you” he said and was so sure of those words.

“Oh Joey! I love you too!” and before she or he could say another word he lowered his head, sort of leaned it over and gently brushed his lips against hers

“Like kissing a velvet rose” Joey whispered as he tasted her lips. Tara opened her eyes, half way, and looked at his half open eyes and merely moaned.

“Hmmm” Joey then put his left arm on her upper back and pulled her close and tightened his right arm around her waist. He went in the such force and passion that at first Tara was frightened but could not ignore the tingling sensation running through her whole body, and for the first time she surrender to the kiss, to love. The rain still came, pouring down but the warmth they gave off shielded the cold wind! What a kiss!


Serena's Sotry Part One
Serena's Story Part Two
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