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Emilie's Story

Hey *NSync fans!! This is Emilie!! I’m glad u all are interested in my oohh sooo kool experience by embarassing Justin! I’ll do anything 2 get attention!! So here’s my story!! Well it was on Sunday June 28th at the B96 Summer Bash (Chicago) The concert started at 4:00 and there were 8 bands performing all 2gether!! By my suprise *NSync was the first to perform!! So me and my friends and my cousin were sooooo happy we were jumping up and down and screaming!! They came out in Red and black windsuit looking things and then a little into the show they took of their jackets (i was waiting ever soo patiently 4 Justin 2 take off his shirt but no such luck) So they came out and did this little dance thing!! Then they sang “Tearin Up My Heart” Mind u there wasn’t a lot of ppl standing and me and my friends were standing on chairs!! We had awesome seats!! Center, 16th row!! It was sooooo kool!! Then they sang “You Got It” and we got Justin 2 wave at us several times!! Which is what we were going for!! Then they sang “I Drive Myself Crazy” Now this is where the good stuff comes in!! So they were all sitting down on their stools and singing (well actually just Chris was) and the audience was sitting down and was quiet! But me and my friends were still standing and screaming and waving then it was like a little part in the song where just the music plays and we all screamed “JUSTIN WE LOVE YOU!!!” And he looked at is and started laughing and his face turned BRIGHT red!! It was soooo funny!! And we were doo happy that we got his attention!! So then they did this little rap thing and then talked for a few minutes and then sang “I Want You Back” and then they said thanx 4 supporting us and took a bow and went off stage!! Well that was my exciting story!! I just wanted 2 let u know, i don’t use webtv that much i have AOL too so PLEEZ e-mail me at or!! Thanx 4 listening!! and if *NSync is comming 2 your town I suggest going itz an AWESOME SHOW!!! Stay *NSync!! Sorry if this wasn’t what you expected and I’m in NO way related 2 *NSync nor Did i meet them!! I will be seeing them on July 28th and if u want I can tell u my experience going (if sumthing interesting happened) Buh Bye!! ~Emilie, *NSync...Chicago B96 Summer Bash

Emilie's House Of Blues Story
Brandie's Story
Kim's Story
