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Justin Timberlake

Name: Justin Randall Timberlake

Age: 17

Birthdate: January 31st, 1981

Place of Birth: Memphis, Tennessee

Time of Birth: 6:30 p.m.

Current Residence: Orlando, FL

Parents: Lynn and Randy (his real daddy) Step-Parents: Paul and Lisa

Nickname: Curly (Awwww..who could blame him)

Clothing style: Anything baby blue or incorporated with North Carolina!!

Fav. Movie: Scream

Best Quality: Making other people laugh :o)

Prized Possesion: His Voice

Fav Body Part: His hands (i wouldn't of picked that..)

Hobbies: Basketball, singing (duh)

Dislikes: Fake people, girls who smoke, his curly hair (hey i love it)

Fav. Drink: Milk (sure does his body good)

Fav. Food: Spaghetti

Height: 6'0" (and still growing..stop growing, I feel short)

Pets: A dog named Ozzie and a cat named Alley

Musical Artists: Stevie Wonder, Brian McKnight

Fav Color: Baby Blue (another DUH)

Boxers or Briefs?: Tommy Boxers (then again he said calvin klein briefs on our radio station..make up your mind boy!!)

Loves: Apple Jacks cereal

Fav Word: Crunk (i'm still wondering where he came up w/that)

If Justin can't fall asleep at night, he sings himself to sleep (aww how sweet, but wouldn't that kinda scare you in a way?)

The other guys say Justin is very mature for his age

You guys better watch out, according to JC, Justin is NOT a morning person (i'm with ya) He won't talk to anyone before he has his cereal

As of right now, Justin is single (and ready to mingle), But he would like someone cause he says "It gets Lonely on the road"

Justin was first noticed when he sang with JC on a popular TV Show aired on Disney called the Mickey Mouse Club or MMC!! Justin started performing on MMC when he was 12. And if ur wondering how *N Sync got their name here is ur answer!!! JustiN ChriS JoeY LanceteN JC (itz the last letter of each of their first!! Pretty clever, huh)

