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Kim's Story

Ok everyone! Here is my personal N Sync concert! It all started when i found out N Sync was coming to Idaho! Boise to be exact. i live about 2 1/2 hours away so i was excited!! I called and called and called the Ticketmaster and finally got in, and i had 2nd row tickets. I was was so happy, i had to call everyone!! Well anyways, we got to the fair and we went everywhere, waiting for the concert which would be starting in about 3 hours. Then me and me 2 friends, Melanie and Melissa, could here some testing coming from the grandstand area where they were going to be preforming taht night!! We almost fainted to think they were less than a mile away from us. Ok now on to the concert. We got in the concert area about 30 minutes before the soncert was to start, and we found our seats and everything. We just sat there and waited, i was kinda nervous but not really, just incredibly excited. The girl next to me who was like 20 or 21, was WAY in love with Justin. Man i would say she was obsessed! Anyways, about 10 minutes before the guys even came out, some girl in the grandstands way above us thought she saw one of them and totally freaked! She screamed and so of course so did everyone else, so i decided it was a good time to put my earplugs in! I just barely put them in to block out some of the noise, now i'm glad i did!! Anyways, so now it was 7:40, and all of the sudden a guy comes out and asks "Who is everyone here to see tonight??" and smiles and everyone yells "N sync!!" So he said, "well here's who you've been waiting for" or something like that. Joey comes running out, and for a second i could not tell who it was!! I don't know why, it totally shocked me that i was seeing them in person!! I'm not sure who came after them but they all grabbed mics and did some dancing to start things off! I was in so much amazment that i actually saw these guys on tv and now I was seeing them for real, that i couldn't scream or anything. I probably looked like a geek, just looking up and smiling this huge smile!! So then they start into Tearin Up MY Heart and stuff *on the butt wiggle part Justin and Joey lifted up their shirts and wiggles their butts!! I have a great pic of that too:)*. They sounded great as usual!! Joey was wearing an orange and white shirt, Justin was wearing a light blue and white shirt, Lance was wearing a dark blue shirt with DUKE written on it, JC was wearing a dark blue shirt with a small nike sign, and chris was wearing a white and some dark color. Chris and Justin were wearing nike sweatband thingies and they were all wearing semi-see through white pants!! you could see through them when lights were shown on them:) I even have a pic where you can totally see the outline of Justin's legs:) Well after that they introduced them all, then they sang You Got IT. I was still in amazement!! After that, they did a whole bunch of a capella with bits of Nice & Slow, the BeeGee's Staying Alive, *during that Jusin and Joey did a disco thing!* the Gone Till November song, and other's i'm not sure. It was cool! Then they sang GMHSALMTOY and Chris said he dedicated it to all the people out here who had husbands and boyfriends and stuff. Then came The Lion Sleeps Tongiht. That was probably one of my fave parts of the whole concert!! Chris looked so hot with is dreadlock ponytails, and on the high parts he sang, he'd stop while everyone was dancing and close his eyes and sing. He sounded great and not to mention looked great to:) Ok i'm almost done hang in there!! Then i think they did Here We Go, but i remember absolutely NOTHING of that song!! i don't know why, i cna't believe i don't remmeber it. Well then they sang I Want You Back and it was their last. I guess it was kinda sad but i feel happy i went! I still had like 10 pics left when they started saying goodbye so i just hurried and snapped a whole bunch before they left. Well then they ran off stage and got in their van and sped off and never came back! Oh well i t was great, and I made eye contact with all of them, I had fun:) Please e-mail me about your N Sync things you've been to

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