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Hot Off the Press

Ok all this information isn't 100% accurate and if u hear anything that is not here pleez e-mail us with it!! And also i just get this information from different websites and magazines!!! If you send me new stuff I will give you FULL credit for it!!

'N Sync will be on Regis & Kathie Lee, December 24th!

They'll be on CBS This Morning on December 22nd!

'N Sync will be Hosting Total Request Live on Thursday (12/17) or Friday (12/18)

'N Sync will be appearing on Walt Disney World's Annual Christmas Parade, December 25th on ABC

According to MTV News (Dec 8th) Justin passed out at their November 30th show, while doing his beat box routine (poor kid) But,he's obviously doing fine now since we was at the Music Awards and seemed alive and well!! (thank god) If anyone was at the show, e-mail me, and tell me what happened! thanks!

Dec. 28th~Yahoo Chat 5-6 p.m.

Jan. 5th~Yahoo Chat 7-8 p.m. Central

Jan. 13th~Yahoo Chat 6-7 p.m. Central

Mar. 5th~Yahoo Chat 4-5 p.m. Central

Mar. 15th~Yahoo Chat 4-5 p.m. Central

Mar. 26th~Chicago, IL Rosemont Horizon (sorry hadda say it)

Mar. 27th~Chicago, IL Rosemont Horizon

May 4th~Moline, IL Mark of the Quad Cities

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