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Hey 'N Sync fans! First off I know most of you don't know us, but we were looking at profiles and noticed you guys like/love 'N Sync, like we do! Were 2 girls from IL: Laure 15 & Emily 14! We love 'N Sync (duh) So we're gonna get right to the point of this e-mail! One thing please do NOT RTA!! Just respond to Emily (!

Well as you all should know, 'N Sync has started their U.S. tour, wouldn't it be nice ta show the guys how dedicated their fans really are?? So we decided to make a book of letters from the fans, so they could remember us! Now were asking you one simple favor, which is wrting a letter to the guys, to support them or congratualte them, Now you could tell the guys that you love them, but don't go over-board, those that do, will be thrown away! Here are some ideas: ~Include a picture of you or you w/the guys if you've met them

~Put your address, e-mail, phone number (don't get your hopes to high)

~Congratualte them, tell them how great they are

~NO negative things!

If any of you are interested in participating, please e-mail me back ( and I'll tell you the requirements!

Guys this book WILL get ta them ! We have connections at the radio station here, So please just help us out!

Also if you are not interested in writing a letter and would rather make a video or cassette tape, or make something for that, ot would GREAT!! So we hope you guys understand! And please respond! Thanks for your time!! Remember letters are due: FEB.1ST NO LATER!

~Emily & Laure~

Send your letters to: 'N Sync Letters C/O Emily Timberlake 12721 S. Park Place Crestwood, IL 60445

P.S.~Also if any of your friends who don't have the internet that are interested in wrting they are more than welcome to!

