Kitsuki Shijin's Lion Pride
Stronghold: Ancient Halls of the Akodo
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- Matsu Gohei x3
- Ikoma Ryozo x3
- Ikoma Kaoku x2
- Ikoma Gunjin x2
- Kitsu Motso x1
- Matsu Agetoki x3
- Ikoma Tsunari x2
- Matsu Tsuko Inexp x1
- Akodo Toturi x1
- Ikoma Tsunari Exp x1
- Matsu Tsuko x1
- Copper Mine x3
- Jade Works x3
- Merchant Caravan x3
- Gambling House x3
- Small Farm x3
- Charter of the Lion Clan x1
- Doji Plains x2
- Inheritance
- Doom of the Dark Lord
- Ancestral Sword of the Lion Clan x1
- Ancestral Armor of the Lion Clan x1
- Matsu House Guard x1
- Lieutenant Tsunari x1
- Lion's Pride x3
- Ring of the Void x1
- Ring of Earth x1
- Counter Attack x3
- Charge x3
- Strength of Purity x3
- Iaijutsu Duel x3
- Test of Might x3
- Rallying Cry x3
- Superior Tactics x3
- Blocked Supply Lines x3
- Refugees x3
- Crushing Attack x1
- Arrows From the Woods x1
- Defend Your Honor x1
- Ancestral Sword of the Unicorn Clan x1