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Monkey Clan Members

TOKU, Monkey Clan Champion

Our lord Toku is a shining example to every man, that anything can be done by one man and the courage of that one man.

Tzurui, Monkey Clan Tactitian

A man to marvel at for showing us the wisdom of following our lord Toku.

Riyati, Monkey Clan Historian

"I fight for the Empire, for my clan, and for the people of Rokugan. But most important, I fight for their future."

Bayushi Koda, Monkey Clan Poison Consultant

An honorable Scorpion that has found solace and sanctuary under the banner of the Monkey Clan.

Hitomi Hiryu, Monkey Clan Tattooed Messenger

The mysterious Ise Zumi who appeared during the mid-day and offered fealty to Toku. He bares the tattoos of a monkey, a centipede, and a dragon.

Hida Zerishi, Monkey Clan Bully

This gruff Crab samurai has now pledged his loyalty and strength to the clan of the Monkey.

Sasuri, Monkey Clan Mercenary

He has no care for politics within Rokugan, and has come to the Monkey Clan to swear fealty.

Hoshi Yoshi, Monkey Clan Monk Sake Master

Before Togashi Hoshi left on his way to Kyuden Hitomi, this monk, came to his senses! He then decided to swear fealty to the greatest lord Rokugan has ever known, Toku.

Vemeran, Ashalan Sahir Historian, Retainer of the Monkey Clan

"For over two thousand years I have walked the catacombs beneath the City of One Thousand Stories seeking one more story. I have finally found the subject of that story in Rokugan - Toku."

Bayushi Uji, Monkey Clan Master of Two Schools

This Scorpion is quite a contradiction. He has mastered the Kakita Sword School and has also mastered the Shosuro Acting School. He is a deadly kenjutsu master and is well balanced in his knowledge of politics and the courts.

Tsunichi A'oki, Monkey Clan Deathseeker

"Long have I traveled Rokugan seeking one both grim and loved, and today my search has ended. I swear fealty to you Lord Toku, and shall be at your command until death."

Mungfucius, Monkey Clan Outcast Vizier

"A wise man said to me once, or maybe it was me, the only evil spirit is the spirit of the empty sake jug!"

Hasami Tanuki, Monkey Clan Idiot (Jester)

He was banished from a mysterious island to the East, and washed up on the shore of Rokugan at the feet of Toku, ironically, when he was relieving himself on the shore.

Hida Akiro, Monkey Clan Crab Samurai

The walls may crumble and the skies may turn grey,but as long as we can stand we will fight another day.

Akodo Ikawsa, Monkey Clan Weapon Carrier

"I'll carry that for you."

Shinjo Akuma, Monkey Clan Point Man

He rode in on a beautiful steed, and proclaimed that he had served the Unicorn for five years as a scout. Toku, decreed that he would be the first man in for our clan at a battle. As this Shinjo must be very wise not to have been killed for such a long time.

Kakita Genma, Monkey Clan Shapechanger

Toku , said of this strange man, "That crazy Genma, always falling into cursed wells."

Yoritomo Kyojum, Monkey Clan Scavenger

A scavenger finds many strange things. He has just now found his new lord.

Kuni Loco, Monkey Clan/Crab Clan Seppuku Master

"None can ritualisticaly disembowel themselves faster than I!"

Goju Zirk, Monkey Clan Ninja Spy

Even the most enlightened ruler, needs a sneak peak at what might be heading his way. He shall be written well of in the Not-So-Ancient Halls of the Monkey.

Satsui, Monkey Clan Defender

Finding his Emperor consumed with shadows, he swears his loyalty to the young samurai whose courage just might win him back.

Daidoji Beastie, Monkey Clan Ballad Master

Spends countless hours playing ballads for his Champion.

Futoru, Monkey Clan Tetsubo Master

"Okay, you want something built? Let me get my tetsubo and some nails."

Pluto, Monkey Clan War Dog


Kakita Gobei, Monkey Clan Drunken Iaijutsu Master

"Hey, samurai! Want to fight me? No? And if I insulted your mother, how about now?"

Toku Shingo, Monkey Clan Discipliner

He came to us with variant ways to use that war fan of his.

Mirumoto Shiko, Monkey Clan Master of the Two Bottle Style

He came to us, his daisho on his side, two bottles in his hands, and offered us both fealty and a drink.

Hida Reign, Monkey Clan Antagonist

"Ha! I've seen Eta hold a sword better than you Lion boy!"

Matsu Akoto, Monkey Clan Barbarian

"The clan I was born into was once Great, but with the falling darkness I come to follow the bravest warrior known!"

Togashi Osuno, Monkey/Dragon/Crab Clan Sleeping Jiujutsu Master


Shinjo Kinobi, Monkey Clan Radical

He stands up for the Monkey Clan in the Emperor's court with nifty painted signs and mobs of angry college students.

Kubisami, Monkey Clan Impersonator

"Ok, what about this one?", clears his throat. "I am YORITOMO! I wish to serve you Lord Toku!", chuckles.

Kakita Rensei, Monkey Clan Geisha Peddler

"Hic...hic...He always has a few spare Geisha..hic..hic.." - Hoshi Yoshi

Axe, Monkey Clan Brute Squad Member

"Get in line samurai! Together we can beat anything!"

Shimjo EBB, Monkey Clan Bouncer

"What makes you think you can enter the Not-So-Ancient Halls of the Monkey Clan?"

Yoboro, Monkey Clan Standard Bearer

"The Doji called me ronin, so now I shall serve the greatest ronin of them all - the man who built wonders from nothing, the mighty Toku."

Hida Samu, Monkey Clan Japester

"I offer my Lord and Clan my long-standing tradition of making stupid jokes about the various inhabitants of Rokugan. Hopefully the Clan can make use of my talents. If not, I can always hide behind a rock, then jump out and hit people on the back of the head with a club."

Matsu O-Hatsu, Monkey Clan Samurai-ko

"The Lion clan did not like my use of extreme luck tactics and told me that i would be better off under a unicorn steeds rear end, to this I wave my privates at them, and swear fealty to the Monkey Clan."

Toku Orochi, Monkey Clan Sea Serpent


Rakki Yaro, Monkey Clan Diehard * Toturi's Army Shrireikan

A member of Toturi's Army since the Battle of Beiden Pass, and a friend of Toku's since then. He has left the Mantis Clan and has sworn fealty to his friend Toku, and he is content for now.

Ikoma Gedo, Monkey Clan Insane Samurai

Ousted from the Lion for his...eccentric behavior. He now swears fealty to the only clan that is willing to take him in. "He's a pretty nice samurai, just don't insult his "best friend" Hapi (actually a rock)'s not pretty."

Tokugawa, Monkey Clan Prophet

"In joining the Monkey Clan and leaving the Unicorn, I shall renounce all my former life and ties, including my name. From this day forth I shall be known as Tokugawa in reverance to my Lord, Toku."

Tsume Yakomo, Monkey Clan Samurai*Ninja

"The last men to fall in a battle, are the ones who rely on intellect as well as skill. I am one of those men."

Akodo Bumblebutt, Monkey Clan Drunken Degenerate

"Who the hell let him in here?!?!" - Toku

Oda, Monkey Clan Unknown Samurai

No one knows what clan he came from, infact no one knows if he had a clan. It has been proven though he can down Sake faster than even the most experienced Mantis sailor. But he is also very good with his katana when it does not fall out of his hands.

Saru, Monkey Clan Monkey

"Woo oo oo oo EEEEEEE EEEEEE!"

Oni no Sake, Monkey Clan Oni

"It came to the not-so-ancient halls not to destroy, but to drink our Sake. Problem is it shacked itself up in one of our Sake works and it doesn't look like it's going to be leaving anytime soon..."

Isawa Toku, Monkey Clan Shugenja

"With knowledge of all five elements, he will help Toku to strengthen his place within the Empire."

Daidoji Naro, Monkey Clan Thug

"So long as the other clans think we are powerless, we have no need to stop drinking and show them what's up!"

Hitomi Dogu, Monkey Clan Confusion Master

"I came to help the helpless helping Toku to help the helpless helping Toku to win helpless helping Toku win the helpless battle."

Tzamururi, Monkey Clan Dragon

"One of the mighty dragons. He said screw this I want some sake!"

Doji Rob, Crane Clan Teenage Ambassador to the Monkey Clan

He was sent by Kuwanan to visit us, and upon hearing of our fine sake, he used the Ancestral Fake ID of the Crane Clan. Handed down to him by his father and proceeded to out-drink even our finest warriors. Truly, he is a man to watch closely. He may be useful some day.

Toku Masamune,Monkey Clan Samurai and Weaponsmith

"The Clan Swords date from the founding of their clans. All of our swords date from the founding of our clan, and with every samurai carrying a Clan Sword how can we fail?"

Shosuro Aku,Scorpion*Monkey Clan Slacker

"I'll do it later"

Karash, Monkey Clan Naga Brew Master

Karash showed them ancient Naga sake distilling techniques. He brought them the secrets of sake from before the time of man. When he heard his friend had gotten a clan, he signed up as a brew master, casting his sword and sobriety to the four winds.

Daidoji Nokatsu,Monkey Clan Distractor

"The only reason I did not kill him is because that dance he does looks Sooooooo cute." --Ikoma Tsanuri

Toku Yoriwhatnow!?!, Monkey Clan Comeback Artist

Yoritomo - "Your lord Toku is nothing more than a weak, mewling coward!"

Toku Yoriwhatnow!?! - "OH YEAH!"

Doji Hyuu. Crane*Monkey Clan Conspiracy Theorist

He is convinced that only Toku can save the empire from the giant Kolat-Shadow-Dragon-Naga-Rabbit conspiracy.

Isawa MoP, Monkey Clan Shugenja

The Five Rings are an illuision created by the lack of good Sake.

Bayushi Cronto, Monkey Clan Reliever

Being that the Monkey Clan drinks so much, they must really have to go to the bathroom a lot. Using my osmosis techniques, i can go to the bathroom for the whole clan.

Vogin, Monkey Clan Wise Man

"I have admired Toku since he was a small child in my village. Now he is a great figure in the Celestial Alignment, and I must aid him in choosing the right direction."

Akodo X, Former Lion Clan Biohazard * Monkey Clan Waste Disposal Manager

"What I see now is like a dim image in a mirror. Dammit... stupid mempo needs to be cleaned again."

Shiryo No Ghengis Kong, Monkey Clan Ancestor Spirit

(Boom) (Boom) (KONG) ROOOAAAAAARRRR (Where are the blond gaijin babes?)

Toku Tachna, Monkey Clan Monk Jujitsu Master

"Today I pledge my mind, body, and soul to the only man in Rokugan worthy. Together we shall fight for Rokugan, and die. Long live Toku!!!"

Saru Dokushojin, Monkey Clan Mime In Training

"I'm not a very good mime...see?"

Tch'klak, Sqeeky Eyeball Tribe Ratling Spy, Monkey Clan Assassin

Where Humans Cannot sneak, maybe a Nezumi Can. I also work for cheese.

Kitsuki Ness, Dragon Clan Sake Prohibitionist

"He came with an army to Kyuden Saru saying that sake was now outlawed in the lands of Rokugan, at first we thought he was joking until we found he was serious . . . and, well . . . that's when all the trouble started . . . . " - Lord Toku explaining to the magistrates how the now infamous Sake battle at Kyuden Saru started.

Daidoji Kolatsu, Monkey Clan Revered Storyteller

"I told Toku's battle stories once to Shosuro. I can honestly say I'd never seen a ninja laugh like that before."

Hida Kaji, Crab Clan Spy

A member of the crab clan who stumbled across the secret of the shadow and Toturi. Now he hides from those who search him out in the last place they'll ever look for him, Kyuden Saru. He follows the credo, when in Kyuden Saru, do as the monkey do, pass the sake please..

Kaiu Arimoto, Crab Clan Engineer * Monkey Clan * Chief Engineer of Bitoku Toshi

"I assure you that Lady O-Ushi has the utmost respect for Lord Joke-u, err, Toku."

Notuso Soberu, Ashigaru Hototogitsu Master

"It's called hops..."-being granted his second small farm after the meteoric success of "la ganja."

Hitomi Blablabla, Dragon Clan German Shidoshi

"Blablabla BlaBla Bla Blla"

Bayushi Kuro, Monkey Clan Ninja-Giant

"What do you get when you have a Hida father, a Bayushi mother, and a scorpion-ninja uncle. A quick and crafty 7 foot tall scorpion bushi who knows how to Bonk people on the head real good, throw sharp pointy pieces of flat metal, and act stealthy."

Yasuki Nakasumi, Monkey Clan Beermeister

"Well, I was an exchange student to western gaijin lands. There I found a wonderful drink known as beer. Might I interest you in some Jagermeister®?"

Shiba Baku, Phoenix Clan Master of the Tea Ceremony

I've beaten everyone in the Phoenix clans in both drinking contests and tea ceremonies. I've come looking for better competition.

Hida Katamo, Toturi's Army*Monkey Clan Annoying Little Brat

All day you can hear that brat screaming all through the palace. "I WANT MORE SOUP NOW!!!!!" - Toku

Akodo Quintus, Lion Ambassador to the Monkey Clan

"I'm gonna be a monkey, monkey, monkey, monkey!"

Kitsuki Shijin, Monkey Clan Exchange Samurai

"He arrived on exchange from the Dragon lands, immediately asked where the sober members of the Clan were, and seemed somewhat vexed when told that there weren't any..." - Toku.

Hoshi Toku Wannabe , Monkey Clan Monk

Enlightning all monkeys for the good of the world and to make better sake.

El Saru, The Legendary Monkey of Justice

"OOOoo Oo OOOO! WWWeee OO? OOOWWWeeee!!!" *translation* I am El Saru the monkey of Justice! And what better justice is there to fight the Naga while drinking sake? Toku, I swear fealty!!!

Hitomi Taagi, Tatooed Dragon Clan Shadowlands Tainted Psychopath

He wants to strike back at those who think that Kokujin is evil and will stand by his masters side no matter what happens.

"What this has to do with our clan? I have no idea." - Toku

Yaskui Nakasumi, Monkey Clan Student of the Gaijin Brewing Arts

"Well, I was an exchange student to western gaijin lands. There I found a wonderful drink known as beer. Might I interest you in some Jagermeister®?"

Shiba Baku, Phoenix Clan Samurai*Master of the Tea Ceremony

I've beaten everyone in the Phoenix clans in both drinking contests and tea ceremonies. I've come looking for better competition.

Shashashabadoo, Monkey Clan Confused Ashamana

It claimed it was Morito Tokei, an oni, and Alhundro Cornejo combined, all sent to the 'Akasha' during a freak lightning storm. It looked like an unshaven ronin with horns, 10-foot long scaled tail, and a bad moustache. It was thirsty.

Rikimaru, Monkey Clan ABC Incompetent Ninja Assassin

Passing through on his quest to find the truth about Toturi's reappearance, he fell through the roof of the sake house. He wasn't hurt, however, and once recovered he joined in the fun, drinking to the health of Lord Toku.

BuBuBushi Yahsi-Yoshi, Monkey Clan Wily Trader,

"There is a monkey within all of us, and for the right price I can help you find yours."

Tchick'ropp, Ratling Brewmaster

"I bring you good-good ratling sake. Don't worry, blindness only temporary."

Hiruma Zumo, Crab Clan Sake Scout

"He couldn't find a troop movement if he was in it, But he can sniff out a cup of sake at a thousand leagues." - Hida Zerishi

Isawa Shatido, Monkey Clan Acolyte of Sake

"It's the SIXTH (Picks the samurai up by the neck) GODAMN (snarls threateningly) Element!! (Throws samurai into the nearest wall).

Akido Haunko , Scorpion Sake Assasin

Sent on a mission to slay Toku , yet changed his mind and brought Toku the head of his employer. His fee was a keg of sake , which he "liberated" and gave to the other members of clan Monkey.

Gidzeki, Master Painter*Merchant

"Merchant by trade, yet a Painter by heart. Trained by the Crane in the way of the brush. I presently reside in the City of the Open Hand, where I am beginning to settle. I heard of the great Toku and wished to swear Fealty to him, for as he has travelled Rokugan seeking glory, so have I searched for inspiration. While swearing fealty might drag me away, I wish to stay in the City of the Open Hand to form a Merchants link to Kyuden Saru."

Kakita Kurai, Crane Clan Iajutsu Acoloyte/ Monkey-Crane Liason

"We built your palace from our own treasury, and for this, we ask nothing more than friendship, alliances, and a crate full of sake."

Mirumoto Dajan, Monkey Clan Samurai * Sake Shugenja

"To make a long story short I fell asleep in the tattoo chamber and woke up with a bunch of monkeys tattooed on me. Where else could I go?"

Yoritomo Indica, Mantis Clan Herbalist

"This man put the green in the Mantis clan mon, and now serves to cool the hot heads of many of the drunken monkey clan members." - Hoshi Yoshi

Doji Baini, Crane Clan Sailor

"He may not fight to well sober, but if you give him some sake, you had better get out of his way!"

Mirumoto Miami, Dragon Clan Tattooed Man*Samurai

"Nobody really knows who he is. He just drinks his sake quietly to himself, until he gets really hammered."

Thor, Norse God of Thunder

"I am the Norse god of thunder, and I have a big @$$ Die-Tsuchi named Mjolner. I heard you guys had good mead?"

Matsu Shadojo, Famed Lion Clan Bushi

He came seeking Toku to offer his aid to our clan. He is still a Lion though. "You wish to fight me? You fool, now listen to my sword cut through your bones!"

Hitomi Karasusan, Dragon Clan Ambassador to the Monkey Clan

"I came down here hoping to find new allies against the Naga. What I found were a bunch of sake-drunk barbarians and one dog pledging allegiance to Toku. With these new men the Naga have NO idea what they are up if I can only teach these guys the "human shield" technique..."

Hiruma Tsuke, Crab Clan Drinking Partner

Even though he refused fealty, he swore loyalty and bought the whole clan a round of sake.

Tousou, Monkey Clan People's Champion

"He fights in a style unknown to these lands - explain again this 'People's Elbow' to me?" - Toku

Doji Lobo,  Crane Clan Anthro-Wolf * Samurai

"Now is the time for action, not prophecy. If you wish to know the future, you can taste it upon my Blade!" -Doji Reju

Become a Monkey Clan Member, swear fealty to Toku and send an e-mail with your name , and a brief description of yourself to the address below.

"When ten thousand men clash with arms and fire, it is always a single man's actions that make the difference." - The Tao of Shinsei

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