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The First Letter

"Once the captain of the Imperial Guard, now Toku stands at the side of the Regent, prepared to destroy all who threaten the peace of the Jade Empire."

Greetings my friends,

I welcome you all to our new home Kyuden Saru, and am honored you have chosen to join our clan. The great Emperor Toturi the First granted us this minor clan and we shall serve him with all our honor and virtue as samurai. We have been recruiting members for our clan from all walks of caste within Rokugan.

We have begun the building of a city to be located near our home. It is to be called Bitoku Toshi, the City of Virtue. It is my hope that this city will be one where the heimen and eta of our lands will feel just as welcome as the samurai caste. As I have shown that even a peasant can be just as virtuous as a samurai. Let my own life be a testament to this new city.

Our Emperor has given us a task to complete as our first official duty as the Monkey Clan. We are to purge the Empire of the treacherous Naga. For as our Emperor was missing , these Naga attacked a great clan, the Dragon, within our Empire. For this they shall be purged and no longer shall there be a treaty with these ancient creatures.

We leave behind members of the clan to help in the building and nuturing of our city and castle. As the remainder of our clan shall forge north to the Dragon lands and confront the Naga. May Shinsei watch over us all, and let the words of Akodo guide us in our lives also. We shall talk again soon my people, but for now we must perform our duties to the Emperor.

Toku, Monkey Clan Champion

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