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The Second Letter

Forgive me, Lord Toku, but I have not had the chance to contact you for the past several days. As you have probably heard by now, the lands of the Fox have been subject to the yearly monsoons and storms, and the flooding was as bad as ever. I chose not to squander the resources of the Kitsune by foolishly wasting a carrier pigeon on a mere correspondence, but now that I am able to travel inland I felt that I should let you know that I am still in good health. The Fortunes have been good to me these past weeks, and my only regret is that I have no word of recent events in Otosan Uchi since I left a month ago. Shortly after the war against the darkness I obtained your permission to revisit those whom I had befriended during the night in Hiruma Castle. I have followed up on my wishes, and I to the best of my humble abilities have been able to affirm friendship with many.

My journey began some three weeks ago, but of the trek from Kyuden Saru to the Kaiu Wall I have little to tell. I had few opportunities to speak to anyone, and I wonder if the Shinomen Forest is looming in men's minds as an object of suspicion. Upon my arrival at the gates of Hida Castle, I was greeted by the young prodigal shugenja, Hida Rohiteki. I had made her acquaintance while we were guarding the doors to the Imperial chamber, and she was eager to learn of my experiences fighting alongside heroes such as ourselves. The names of battles excited her greatly, and she yearned to hear the accounts of Beiden Pass and our repulsion of the Naga from Mirumoto Castle. I in turn was audience to the tale of how she had passed her gempukku. I assure you it will make for an interesting account in further detail.

From the castle I strode south, to the keep of the Falcon. Toritaka Genzo was pleased to see me. We spent hours that night sharing our experiences both in Hiruma Castle and at Otosan Uchi. Departing the lands of the Crab, I headed for the coast and the lands of the Crane and the Fox. While crossing the Tidal Land Bridge, I had the fortune to cross the path of the Sparrow historian Suzume Kaga. A brief conversation revealed that the Sparrow were not present at the Castle that night, and I fear that some evil was among us that night.

Journeying through the Crane lands, I spent time among the ashigaru. The peasantry have many stories, and they speak of the legendary exploits of Toturi and Hoturi, and the Day of Thunder. These accounts are priceless, and I am anxious to add them to our growing libraries. When I finally arrived at the castle of the Fox, I learned that the rumors were true. The Fox have left the Alliance. Yoritomo’s ambition is proving itself to be the destroyer of all the minor clans had hoped for, but I believe that such is the price to pay for achieving the stature of a great clan.

By the time you receive this letter, I will be heading towards the lands of the Lion, as I have one last appointment to keep – with Matsu Goemon. Afterwards, I will return to see our wonderful new castle. I was only able to set foot inside during the beginning of its construction, and it felt like a proper home. The only other thing worth mentioning is that I have yet to hear from one other friend, so if you should happen to hear from Lady Shizue while you are in the Imperial City, please let me know. It has been far too long since we have spoken…

Toku-sama, I look forward to seeing you again - old friend. May the Fortunes not forget you in your time of need, and may the Kami watch over us.


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