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The Past Rokugan Babes of the Week & Month

Week 1

Coming to us from the lands north of Rokugan is the most beautiful woman that has graced our courts. She is currently not with us at the moment, but this painting of her was done when she lived within the beautiful Palace of Otosan Uchi. Here we find our Lady Scorpion enjoying the night air as she gives the painter a seductive look.

Week 2

This week we cast our eyes to the south as we send another painter to the provinces of the Crab Clan. Here the stunning and deadly Hida O-Ushi gives our painter a pose of utmost beauty. Though do not fool yourself samurai, this samurai-ko could drink you under the table and still behead an ogre in the same night!

Week 3

Our painters travelled north this week to the Otaku Palaces. Where they caught the lovely Otaku Kamoko giving them a rare site of this battle maiden. The wind sweeps through her silken hair, just as she sweeps across the battle field on her horse, Hachiman.

Week 4

This week our painter left the Unicorn lands and headed North-east to the lands of their mystical brothers the Phoenix. Here they have captured the stark beauty of their Champion, Tsukune. And a beauty to say the least, even if she has hundreds of voices inside her head!

Week 5

Our painters this week travelled into the lands of the Lion, Matsu Castle to be exact. Here they found the DOMINANT beauty Matsu Ketsui. I was even told , at times our painters had to call her mistress.

Week 6

From across the waters, in the Islands of Silk, Moshi Wakiza strikes a stunning pose for our artists this week. Here's a beauty that none, other than the mighty Yoritomo, could tame!

Week 7

Here's an alluring beauty. Seou, who is new to the ranks of our Emperor's army, didn't want to be painted, but once one of our painters finds a muse, he rarely let's it get away! (Although he paid dearly for his insistence in the form of a shuriken to his posterior!)

Week 8

The Scaleskins may call her Shabura, but we here at the Not-So-Ancient Halls of the Monkey call her the Babe of the Week! While currently we may be at odds with the Naga, who are storming our friends the Dragon's Mountain Home, we know when to take the time out for a picture to help boost the morale of all our samurai across the Empire. Enjoy!!

Week 9

This past winter our painters had the chance encounter with a beautiful snow maiden. She stopped in the middle of the Shinnomen Forest for our painters to capture her beauty. We now present this piece for your viewing, please enjoy this rarity of the empire.

Week 10

Four months ago, we had sent out a team of war artists into the shadowlands, to see if beauty even existed there. The chances were slim to none, but one man, missing an arm and frothing at the mouth brought back this painting. The title was Dark Daughter of Fu Leng.

Week 11

From the high peaks of the Dragon, their clan champion doesn't look to be too happy about posing for one of our painters this week. It seemed in turn she took to painting some of her skillfull tattoos on her in return. She returned with the portrait, a distant look, and muttering about "My Lady's will be done!" Those wacky Dragon!

Week 12

This week our painters travel to the lands of the Phoenix once again, to capture the beauty of the latest master of earth, Isawa Taeruko. She told us that she was told later by the master of the void that this pose would someday become famous because of a certain blonde haired geisha from the west.

Week 13

This week our painter travelled to the lands of the Crane. Where we found the lovely Lady Shizue within the luxurious courts of the Doji. She was a splendid and entertaining subject for our artist. Recounting many tales of the Empire as well as brining all of her beauiful cats along with her for the painting.

Week 14

This week our painter travelled into the dark forest of Shinomen, where she was beset upon by three Naga, who called themselves Tausha. Well, I do believe some old philosopher once said, "Double the pleasure, Double the fun." But we got Triple the pleasure, and Triple the fun, here. Enjoy, samurai.

Week 15

This week our painter has discovered a beautiful and talented geisha known as Hatsuko. She is an older geisha but still retains her youthful complexion and her beauty shines through her poetry and music.

Week 16

This week we travel back to the Phoenix lands and encounter a lovely woman. She possesses much inner beauty and very deep insight. She is Isawa Kaede and she is the new Master of the Void. She can show us some insight anyday.

Week 17

This week our painter arrived in the lands of the Kitsune Clan. Here she found various items of interest from the original Ki-Rin clan, as well as finding the time to capture the beauty of the clan daimyo, Ryosei.

Week 18

Our painters ventured once more into the shadows of Shinomen Forest to again be surprised by the beauty of the Naga. Our painter captured the beauty of a Naga which called herself Mara.

Week 19


Week 20

This week our painters ventured outside of Kyuden Saru once more and visited the lands of the Daidoji. Where they captured the beautiful samurai-ko Rekai out on a morning ride through the lands. They got her to stop and pose for them just long enough to get the basic sketch and had to paint the rest while she rode about them.

Week 21

With the wars and famine plaguing our Empire our Painters will be reporting in monthly from now on.

Month 6

Our painters this month captured a rare beauty. This woman was posing for our team of painters when she suddenly began to disperse before their eyes and all of a sudden they were surrounded by beautiful moths. We have no idea where this woman came from or where she went too. She told us her name was Chochu.

Month 7

ARRGHHHH! What is this? What is this? Where in the heavens did this painting come from??? We found this tainted painting hanging within our lovely halls. The painting itself dripped blood down the wall it hung upon. We don't know why this painting appeared within our halls but we will be holding an Iris Festival to rid ourselves of it!

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