Test of the Obsidian Champion
By Dennis Quearry
The ancestral hall of the Hantei. Composed of wooden floors that shine with a luster created by the many Heimin that clean the floor every time the hall is not in use. The rice paper walls that surround the court are inlaid with a golden filligree along with an obsidian colored filligree. At the end of the hall is a raised platform where the obsidian throne sits and waits for its lord. Along the hall's sides are many cushioned mats where the members of the court may sit. These mats are done in the same filligree design and color scheme. Next to the throne is the stand for the lord's daisho.
The Obisidan court stands silent for the time being , but soon the hall will be filled with samurai and samurai-ko who will come to compete for the oppurtunity and station of being Emperor Shoju's Obisidian Champion.
The Emperor himself has decreed that any man or woman from any clan, even the decimated and deceased clans, may come to his court and test themselves. This has sparked many interests in the court that maybe Shoju is not so cruel, or mabye he is even more cruel than they thought for inviting destroyed clans to possibly be ridiculed some more in an open court. Maybe this could even be a slight Shoju just oversaw when he decreed the test.
Whatever the idea the Emperor had for this test it would be done and to the letter of his command. Magistrates and messengers were sent on foot and horse to all the clans and even searched the geisha houses and homes of ill repute to find these departed clan members, or more precisley, Ronin. Soon this hall will be filled with the men and women who would answer the call of the Emperor and the Empire, for the people were in need of a Champion.
The hall soon fills with many samurai and courtiers. Some samurai dressed in elaborate clothing the courts desire and others wearing more peasant clothing, though they dare to bare the mons of the Crane and Lion. Four samurai sit before the throne in light armor with their katana across their laps. The Emperor Shoju now sits upon his Obsidian throne and smiles behind his mask at the assemblage before him. He thinks of the plans he has for his Obsidian Champion, and the court can almost hear a soft laughter come from the Emperor. The Emperor's advisor stands from his mat to the side of the Emperor. He proclaims,"The tournament will be held in the courtyard of Lord Moon." He reaches into a bowl moving his hand about, but possibly his hand moves to a preset pair of chops. "The first competitors shall be Kakita Toshimoko and ....", the advisor looks to the Emperor,"Doji Reju."
A feint gasp flows from the assemblage as having two men from the same clan fight against each other at the beginning was a slight breach upon Shoju. Especially samurai from what is a decimated clan. But this was the Emperor, and the assemblage soon made their way to the courtyard.
Both samurai were soon surrounded by several other samurai sitting upon mats in a circle about the courtyard. The courtiers all outside this ring of samurai watching. The Emperor and Lady Kachiko both sat at the head of the circle within the courtyard. In the center the two Cranes took their stances. Each man watching the others eyes. Their hands tighten on practice katana, katanas smoothed and blunted but still real weapons. Toshimoko focuses his chi and then with a shout he strikes at Reju, but Reju strikes at the same time, and both men fall to the ground. Both knocked out by the others blow.
More duels go by with many samurai. Some of quite well known , and some not well known. As the duels continue two samurai seem to climb through the ranks. A Crane and a Lion. When the final duel approached the chops were drawn more out of tradition than need. The advisor called the two to the earth circle of the courtyard where the previous duels had been fought. "Doji Kuwanan and Matsu Agetoki, please step before your Emperor."
The two men started as the first two had done. Both in a stance, their swords held within their saya and awaiting their masters to release them. Both men studied one another for quite a long time. Kuwanan's thoughts upon where to strike the Lion and how to strike him. Agetoki's thoughts are nothing but I must win, so my clan can be a great clan once more. Both men thinking of different things, and the winner would possibly restore their clan to great clan status. Both men focused and watched and then Kuwanan struck first, Agetoki moved to his side and then struck Kuwanan in the left side and up across his chest. Kuwanan fell back onto his backside and then regained his composure kneeling before the Emperor and the new Champion.
A few days later Agetoki was presented before the court in a great festival, as the Obsidian Champion. His armor was black as midnight and his mempo was made of a fine porcelain. Many courtiers cheered and smiled at the new Champion, but the champion never noticed this or seemed to enjoy the festival. The only thing anyone could see were his eyes, eyes that were lost to the festivities about them.