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Toku Top 10

This was taken from the Toku Top 10 appearing in the Imperial Herald volume one, issue two.

10. Cheerleader Toku!

Have 3 Tokus on the table and play an Oath of Fealty, and suddenly, they're all 1F/2C and they add to your Ancestral Sword or Crab Clan Oni bonuses like crazy.

9. Toku the Phoenix Champion!

Lose your Phoenix Champion? Well, he's back and this time...he's Toku! That's right, any time you lose a Phoenix Champion, just trade him in for Toku for free! ( I think this was the precursor to making our lord Toku a champion!)

8. Toku goes Bar-Hopping!

One of Toku's favorite pastimes is sake sipping at the Sake Works. Of course, his favorite drinking partner is Togashi Mitsu. You know how those Tattooed Men like to put down the sake!

7. Toku Teaches You The Way of Deception!

Toku is just right for The Way of Deception. Just when your enemy thinks he's surprised you with Frenzies or Fires of Purity, he discovers that he's been wasting all those cards on Toku!

6. Toku Takes On The Iaijutsu Master?

That's right, and he may not win, but he won't lose either. Not with a Kharmic Strike, that is.

5. Toku The Maneuverable!

Toku is great for leading folks into all kinds of Terrain cards. Just slap a handy-duty Armor of Sun Tao on him and he's Master of Entrapping Terrain.

4. Toku The Fearless!

Not only can Toku challenge the Iaijutsu Master, but he can fight for him as well! With the new Shadowlands card "He's Mine!", Toku can step in for anybody when they get challenged to a duel. Whatta guy that Toku!

3. "I'd Like A Diet Tofu To Go!"

Unfortunately, Toku is also the favorite of a certain breed of Oni. That's right, Oni no Tsuburu's favorite delicacy is Tofu - I mean Toku of course. What was I thinking?

2. Mr.Toku Goes To Washington!

Got nobody to go out and tell the Emperor just how great you are? You can always send Toku! He loves going to the Imperial capital. Of course, with the Emperor's wife in town, he can't stay more than one turn...


1. "Toku, I'd Like You To Meet My Friends, the Marsh Trolls ..."

'nuff said.

"The true measure of a Samurai is his courage, not his strength." - Toturi
