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Credit Where it Is Due


The Surrender

     The following sites contribute their images, and talents to others on the internet who use their creations as building blocks for other creation.  I ask that you visit each one.

    Some of the images on this page are "public domain", and thus no credit is given, as they are the property of everyone.  If you note an image on these pages you do not feel is public domain, let me know.  I have not knowingly failed to obtain permission for any of the images contained herein, however at times people provide images on the internet for further use that are most certainly not public domain.  I am human and therefore subject to making mistakes.  Please let me know and the image will be removed at once.  By the way - I do not make money in any way on this site.

Please feel free to use the digital photographs I created as you see fit.  I created them, and they are my gift to you.  If you see fit to link to any of my pages, thank you.  If you have a Civil War story you would like to see portrayed in this manner (The Incident in the Woods) , email it to me, and I'll send it back for your approval, or other arrangement; however you will not be able to restrict the use of the images in any way if I create them.

A Jay Skii,


3D Animated Flags--By

Clipart Banner


 (The Incident in the Woods - Civil War Combat)
 (The Incident in The Woods Without the Pictures)
 (The Cast)

(Sherman's Crimes)

 (Eaves Cemetery)


(Excerpts from the Civil War records of Samuel G. Eaves)

(Civil War Monument at Macon, Mississippi)

(Civil War Monument at Brooksville, Mississippi)
  (Credits for Images and Civil War Links)

  (The Mississippi State Flag)

(11th Mississippi Cavalry Regiment "Perrins" History)

(9th Mississippi Sharpshooters)

  (5th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, CSA History)
(Company E, 5th Mississippi Infantry Regiment, CSA, Unit Roster)

   (Mississippi Civil War Units)
(Mississippi Civil War History Bulletin Board)
(Eaves Genealogy Bulletin Board)
(Civil War Newspapers Transcribed)

(Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System)


Original Historical Photos Digitized by
