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Welcome to the restaurant at the end of the universe

Someone asked me recently why I loved eighties music so much. Well I just do that's all. I'm not stuck in the eighties or anything, I burned my parachute pants years ago along with everyone else. I guess that was just the time in which I really became aware of popular culture, and I wouldn't change it for the world. Everybody has a song that they live by,a personal theme if you will,(or won't if you prefer.).. The one that immediately comes to mind for me is "How Soon is Now" by the Smiths. What's yours? One of the things that really confuses me these days is that there seem to be more and more people of the opinion that you have to like one particular type of music. Hmmmm... I don't even know what to say to that except one very large heartfelt: TTTHHHPPPTTT!!! Personally I thrive on variety. if you could see my cd collection,which you will soon, you'd see that my tastes are very eclectic. I imagine that if you are actually reading this with anything approaching interest yours are too. My best friend and I have found endless amusement with newschool ravers and young "industrial" punks who think that you have to be one or the other.The punks will tel you that the ravers are a bunch of drugged out fags and their music sucks, while I've heard more than one raver tell someone that they thought punk and goth music was creepy. Hmmmmm... I wonder how many industrial fans know that The Lords of Acid are also none other than the popular techno group Digital Orgasm. By the way I've seen them under both names and they put on one hell of a show either way. How would I describe myself as far as my musical tastes go? I wouldn't sometimes for convenience sake I'll call myself a "graver" because the whole vibe of the rave scene in the early to mid-nineties seemed like a natural extension to my art-fag sensibilities developed in the eighties. To make a long story short,(too late I know,) if you're the kind of person who goes to a goth club on wednesday and then to the occasional rave on a saturday(assuming there's still a real party to be found in your area) then you will probably enjoy this page. If you are the kind of person who refuses to listen to anything but west coast rap then you probably haven't gotten this far into my rant anyway.
Stay in touch for further developments on this page.

A few of my favorite music links

David Bowie
Bauhaus discography: Includes solo projects and splinter groups
My favorite Sisters of Mercy site
Frankie sez: Welcome to the pleasuredome
ALL of the Depeche Mode lyrics
Shoplifters Union: Everything you want to know about the Smiths
...and of course Morrissey
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