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~*Ways to annoy a Driver...*~

If you are a pedestrian...

  1)When you see the pedestrian light starting to blink, walk slowly across the road anyways, after all the pedestrian has the right of way !.

2) When you are trying to cross a road and see a car coming, step onto the road anyways and see how alert the driver is !.

3) When you have the right of way, stroll across the road nonchalantly to test the patience of the driver.

4)When using the pedestrian crossing, don't look or wait for the light to change, after all pedestrians have the right of way, let the driver jam on his brake, he should be the one to be alert.

5) Better yet jaywalk across the road.

6)When you are playing ball in a park and that ball rolls onto the road, chase after the ball, the driver has been taught to stop in an emergency.

7) Dress in black during the night, it is a cool colour and after all the driver has to be able to see in the dark.

8) When crossing a busy intersection, walk in front of your children and let them cross at their leisure.


    If you are another driver...

  1) Weave in an out of traffic to show how you could get to your destination faster.

2) Do not signal your intention to turn, the driver behind you has to read your mind.

3)When you come to a stop sign, do a rolling stop and try to cross the intersection before the other driver get his chance.

4) Do not signal to change lane, the driver in the other lane has to be prepared to let you cut in.

5) If the other driver did not have the time to let you cut in, give him the finger, that would teach him to let you cut in the next time.

6)When you see a slow moving bus or a truck in front of you, change lane immediately, never mind about the other driver besides you, you don't want the truck or bus to slow you down.

7)When you see the light has changed to amber, step on the gas pedal and beat the light, the other driver doing the left turn can wait until the light has changed to red to complete his manoeuver.

8)When you are on the passing lane of a highway or freeway, drive at the maximum speed and let the other driver tailgate you, do not change lane, he is not supposed to exceed the maximum speed anyways.

9)When you are driving your brand new high power vehicle on the road and see an older vehicle, make sure you speed past him to make him feel that he shouldn't be driving that old wreck on the road anyways.

10)Avoid every pothole on the road by weaving in and out of traffic.


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