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~*Awards Received*~



These are the lovely awards I have received. I feel really honoured to receive them and really appreciate them. Thank you.

If anyone would like to apply for the awards shown below, please click on the link.

A "Great Site" Award received from Ann's lil Haven on April 7 2001

A "Beauty and Charm" Award received from Renelf on April 22nd 2001

A "Friendship Around the World" Award received from Renelf on April 22nd 2001

An "Award of Excellence" received from Vickie on April 22nd 2001

A "Springtime Award" received from Coyote Jo on April 22nd 2001

A "Great Canadian Site Award" received from Advice Angel's on May 17th 2001

A "For Love & Devotion Award" received from Advice Angel's on May 17th 2001

An "Outstanding Website Award" received from Moira on May 26th 2001

A "Tinks Award 4 Trixie" received from Tinks on June 13th 2001

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