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Friendship is a strange thing...have you ever wondered why when you least expect it, you make a friend ? Is someone looking out for you and thinking that you need a friend at that very moment ?

~*Who is a Friend ? *~

A friend is...

someone you can talk to...

share your dreams and disappointments with...

enjoy each other's company with...

yes even through a computer screen !...

someone who likes the person inside of you...

regardless of your looks and your age...

someone who thinks you are great...

just by being yourself.

F...riends are always there when you need them;

R...emember to treat your friends with kindness;

I...n times of need they are always at your side to support you;

E...nthusiastic about your achievements and share your accolades;

N...ever there to discourage you;

D...reams with you;

S...miles with you when you are happy.

Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other's gold. A circle is round it has no end, that is how long I want to be your friend.

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