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~*My Poems*~



the dew sits on the grass...shimmering...
while the morning sun rises on the horizon ...
the first buds of the year trying their utmost to break free...
and bloom in the morning sun...
the calls of the robins break the silence of the morn...
the branches of the willow trees swaying gently in the breeze...
could there be a better view...
as the last drop of snow melts away on the ground...
Spring is here at last !
A new beginning...



the hot lazy days...with the sun shining brightly...
butterflies came calling as the flowers open up in full bloom...
the bees were flirting from flowers to flowers...
the laughters of children in the park...
as they run in a game of tag...
the bubbling of the brook as the water rushes into the crystal clear lake...
Summer...a time for relaxation and rest !



the weather is getting colder...
the leaves are turning golden and red...
a kaleidoscope of colour...
a sight to behold !
soon the birds will be heading south...
another journey...another year...



the first snow fell today...
each flake different and unique...
creating a light feathery blanket on the ground...
covering every thing for miles around...
the cold brisk wind creating little snow eddies...
a winter wonderland !

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