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~~~***To a special friend***~~~

You may be half the world away

You may also be in the same time zone as me

I have never seen your face nor heard your voice

I don't know anything about you except your name

and the information you chose to tell me

You may not be here in body or soul but

you still say hello through a blinking rectangle and an "uh oh"

We share our joys, jokes and laughter

We also share our sorrow, pains and sadness

I bare my soul to you and you did the same

It may seems like I have known you for a long time

but we could have only just met

It doesn't really matter how long I have known you

Most importantly.....

~*Thanks for being a good friend*~

If you share the same sentiments as me, please feel free to send it to your icq pals

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I'm addicted to ICQ greetings ! This
Addicted to ICQ greetings
site is owned by Trixie
Write to me -Trixie

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