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Sir Stamford Raffles, the founder of modern Singapore. He landed on the island of Singapore on 28 January 1819.

*The Singapore Flag*

The red and white flag was first used as a symbol of statehood when Singapore gained internal self-government from Britain in 1959. It was retained as the National Flag when Singapore became independent in 1965. The red half of the flag represents the universal brotherhood and equality of man, while the white half signifies everlasting purity and virtue. The crescent represents a rising young nation and each of the five stars embodies one of our nation's five ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

*The Pledge*

We, the citizen of Singapore, pledge ourselves as one united people regardless of race, language or religion, to build a democratic society based on justice and equality so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress for our nation." The Pledge embodies our national creed and its recital during morning assemblies in school is done with the right fist clenched over the heart to show sincerity.

*The Symbol*

The Lion symbolise courage, strength and excellence. Based on the national colours of Singapore, the Singapore Lion is red, set against a white background. The five partings in its mane, like the five stars in the National Flag signify the five ideals of democracy, peace, progress, justice and equality.

*The National Flower*

Singapore's National Flower is the Vanda Miss Joaquim, an orchid hybrid. It was first discovered in Singapore in 1893 in the garden of Miss Joaquim. It became the National Flower in 1981.

*The National Anthem*

The national anthem is in Malay, which is the National Language of Singapore.

**Majula Singapura**

Mari kita rakya Singapura
Sama-sama menuju bahagia
Cita-cita kita yang mulia
Berjaya Singapura
Marilah kita bersatu
Dengan semangat yang baru
Semua kita berseru
Majulah Singapura
Majulah Singapura


This is the translation of the above national anthem.


**Onward Singapore**

We, the people of Singapore
Together we march towards happiness
Our noble aspiration is
To make Singapore a success
Let us unite
In a new spirit
Together we proclaim
Onward Singapore
Onward Singapore

If you want to know more about Singapore, please click the ~*Discover Singapore*~'s link below.

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