Good Music is...
Good music is something that becomes an extension of yourself and your emotions. It can inspire you, lift your spirits, make you think, feel, and cry. It can be a simple melody, complex symphonic harmony, compelling lyrics, or an energizing beat. I feel that music is proof of the higher transcendence of the human race. I have the utmost respect for those in the music field who are talented enough (and brave enough) to completely bare their hearts and souls through the music that they offer to us as gifts. This is my small tribute to these musicians, who, in large ways and small, have touched my life. First of all, I have to say that I am in no way some kind of a professional music critic, and the views expressed on this page are strictly opinion (but they are opinions that I uphold strongly!) Please take a little time to check out the music of the following artists, anything I say could not possibly do them justice. Let their music speak for them instead!
By far one of the most talented bands out there today. Edwin combines thought-provoking, soulful lyrics with a powerful voice, backed up by a fantastic collaboration of musicians. The result is a unique music style that covers the range from blues to good old rock.
Favorite Songs
"Life in the Storm" -- Solitude
"Cleveland Park" -- Misguided Roses
"I'll Be" -- Misguided Roses
"Guinevere" -- Honor Among Thieves

This band's music can't help but to make you smile. Upbeat tempos and lyrics make Sister Hazel's music a sure-fire mood enhancer! As an old school fan of the boys from Gainesville, I am completely ecstatic about their recent success (even if they aren't a well kept secret any longer!)
Favorite Songs
"Concede" -- ...somewhere more familiar
"Feel It" -- Sister Hazel
"Champagne High" -- not released yet :)
"Strange Cup of Tea" -- not released yet :)

Unfortunately, this band has recently broken up, but that doesn't change the fact that they made some fantastic music while they were in existence! For me, their music is a must on any road trip, great to turn up real loud and sing along with. You'd be amazed how fast the time goes!
Favorite Songs
"boyo" -- Bloom
"Try" -- billy pilgrim
"Insomniac" -- billy pilgrim
"need your love" -- Bloom
"lady of the mist" -- Bloom

Smiles, smiles, smiles all around for these completely clothed men from Canada. They have a style all of their own, and their songs can be fun, insightful, smart, and beautiful all at the same time. (Besides all of that, hearing them puts me in a good mood because they remind me of someone pretty special).
Favorite Songs
"Shoebox" -- Born on a Pirate Ship, Shoe Box E.P., Friends Compilation
"Life in a Nutshell" -- Maybe You Should Drive, Rock Spectacle
"Brian Wilson" -- Gordon, Rock Spectacle, Brian Wilson 2000 (single)
"The Old Apartment" -- Born on a Pirate Ship, Rock Spectacle
"If I Had $1,000,000" -- Gordon, Shoe Box E.P., Rock Spectacle

I'm not quite sure how to describe their music. Kind of rockabilly, Allman Brothers-ish, mountain music...whatever it is, it's awesome. I absolutely love this band, but I don't know if I love them more for their music itself, or more for the memories that I have when I listen to it! Thank you, Katie Rolader, for introducing me to the band that will forever remind me of University Commons and Sophomore year.
Favorite Songs
"Ship in the Bottle" -- Cemeteries and Junkyards
"Rose Hill" -- Cemeteries and Junkyards
"Crazy Women" -- Cemeteries and Junkyards
I could go on and on about every single one of these bands, but you probably don't have the time nor the patience to hear my adulatory ramblings! So, the list below consists of even more bands that I consider to be awesome. Old and new, random or obscure to well known, they are all definitely worth a listen! (C'mon, don't you have 4 to 5 hours to play on the internet?)
Angie Aparo -- wow, what a voice
Ben Folds Five -- talented in all aspects, wonderful all around
Blue Dogs -- a new favorite :)
Garth Brooks -- love him, love him, love him
Jimmy Buffet -- the best drinking music around
Counting Crows -- another awesome road trip band
Marc Cohn -- simply beautiful music, songwriting, and lyrics
Freddy Jones Band -- simply awesome
Guster -- lots of fun
Indigo Girls -- powerful and complex...aren't we all?
Jackopierce -- too good to have broken up! (but they did)
Pat McGee Band -- another new favorite, great acoustic music
Rockwell Church -- not only great musicians, but cute, too
Toad the Wet Sprocket -- what can I say? they rock
Vertical Horizon -- "oh my god, oh my god....it's so beautiful!!" --laa & erh
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Check out my brother's record company...not exactly my kind of music, but hey, he IS my brother...
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Email: owlfive@hotmail.com