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#012B Birthfamily ISO - Male

I am looking for my cousin...he was born in Jan of 1964.....not sure of Cambridge, MA his mom's name was Rita Clark at the time and she had blonde hair and blue eyes and stood 5'2. Her birth date is 5/20/39 and she was born in Cambridge, MA raised in an orphanage from the age of 2... The adoptees name was Robert Clark at birth at the Cambridge City Hosp. in Cambridge MA. Robert had blond hair and blue eyes also and was a handsome little man.... His original birth certificate may say the father was Ronald Clark but his real father is Richard Palmer. I am hoping he was raised by his real father......he has 3 sisters that are older than him....Darlene, Rhonda and Sherri......I have contact with his Mom and 3 sisters..... I receive email at and welcome any news that anyone may have....... his Mom has always loved him and still carries his picture in her wallet after all these years.... Robert was taken from his Mom when he was approximately 2 yrs old. Rita was raised in an orphanage and had no street smarts and no clue as to how to find and get her son back.... If Robert is interested, all his mom's side of the family is living in CT and in the same area...... we would all love to see him and miss and love him very much....... It was not until I got a computer that I was aware that there were ways to find lost loved ones and I am trying my best to help my aunt find Robert.... Rita has listed with the Social Services of Cambridge in an attempt to find him, if he is looking for her, he may register there also and they will make the connection to her for him....
