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#069B Birthmother ISO Male Adoptee

You(he) Were born 2-4-63 In Hot Springs,Ar in the Quachita General Hospital..You were born club footed &had cast on both feet.You were takin by the social services between the age of 8 to 10 months at a time when our lives were the worst .Our mother tried to get you back but could not..Your mothers name is Dorothy Vaught (Heth).. Stewart at the time.Your hair was light brown your eyes were dark brown.You have 4 real sis, 1half sis & 2 half bro's..Docoments show that social services filed for guardiship 7-6-66..A couple meeting the requirements for adoptions filed for permisson to adopt 1-27-1975- which became final 2-1-77..Your name may have been changed or just the last name..Im your sister i was told when i was 17 and since that time i have been searching for you..We all want you to be apart of our lives but if that is not possible for you we understand but please let us know that you are alive & safe.
