Diego Garcia Yacht Club: Sailing and Windsurfing!

"DGYC/MWR Windsurfing Sprint Race"

(A message from the Windsurfing Commodore)

29 August 1999

A total of 11 participants showed up for the event which was held on a beautiful day with medium winds(8-12 knots).

Several showed up early to prepare and trim their rigs before the skippers meeting held at 1230 hrs.

Skippers meeting was held covering safety, rules and course outline.

3 people signed up for the beginners class and 8 signed up for the advanced. The beginners would use the Rookie boards Easy start sails while the advanced class used the Phoenix, Xantos and the new Go-Boards with V-6 fully battened sails. Most wanted the biggest sails to take advantage of the light winds but only 2 were available in 7.0 meter size.

The course for the beginners consisted of one downwind leg straight from the tree house to the Yacht Club and the advanced class would be from the tree house, downwind to the fishing barge, then back to the Yacht club.

The race was scheduled to start at 1400 hrs. Which allowed the racing committee to set up the course, bring the 3 beginners to the tree house by boat and allow time for the advanced sailors to sail upwind to the starting area.

The beginners race was started first using the standard sequence with Paul Darling crossing the start line first, Leila Ramos (the only woman participant) in second and, Richard Chase in third. Their positions remained the same up to the finish line at the Yacht club.

Shortly after, the advanced class started with Ramon Pedrajeta taking the lead. Some missed going through the start line while others were caught in a lull right at the line. Needless to say Ramon had a big lead while the rest eventually were planing and in hot pursuit. After everyone made it around the fishing barge, the wind dropped and many struggled to the finish line with Ramon Pedrajeta still in first, Ronald Pajela in second, and Johnny Plastina just barely edging out Walter Yagen for third.

After some refreshments at the Yacht Club, the award ceremony took place. Top 3 in each class were awarded NAF $$$ care of MWR, both first place finishers received a windsurf harness from DGYC and the rest received polo shirts from DGYC.

A good time was had by all and can't wait till the next one hopefully in 2 weeks!

Windsurfs up!

George R. Gesner
DGYC Windsurfing Commodore

Official Results:


1st Place --- Paul Darling

2nd Place --- Leila Ramos

3rd Place --- Richard Chase


1st Place --- Ramon Pedrajeta Jr.

2nd Place --- Ronald Pajela

3rd Place --- Johnny Plastina

Race participants take a moment after awards.

1st place, Advanced Class, Ramon Pedrajeta Jr.

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