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Qutoes and Such

About Confidence and Courage...

They are able because they think
that are able.
-- Virgil

Kill the snake of doubt in your soul,
crush the worms of fear in you heart
and mountains will move out of your way.
-- Kate Seredy

Believe that life is worth living, and
your belief will help create the fact.
-- William James

The confidence which we have in
ourselves gives birth to much of that
which we have in others.
-- La Rochefoucauld

Trust your hunches. They're usually
based on facts filed away just below
your conscious level.
-- Joyce Brothers

Keep your fears to yourself, but share
your courage with others.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson

The hero is no braver than an ordinary
man, but he is brave five minutes longer.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Courage is resistance to fear,
not absence of it.
-- Mark Twain

Valor lies just half-way between
rashness and cowardice.
-- Cervantes

Perfect courage is to do unwitnessed
what we should be capable of doing
before all the world.
-- La Rochefoucauld

About Love...

To love is to know the sacrifices that
eternity extracts from life.
-- Pearl Craigie

Love does not consist in gazing at each
other, but in looking outward together in the
same direction.
-- Antonie De Saint-Exupery

Many waters cannot quench love, neither can
the floods drown it.
-- Song of Solomon 8:9

About Friends and Family...

Perhaps the greatest social service that can
be rendered by anybody to this country and to
mankind is to bring up a family.
-- George Bernard Shaw

People are lonely because they build walls
instead of bridges.
-- Joseph Fort Newton

Your friends will know you better in the
first minute you meet than your acquaintances
will know you in a thousand years.
-- Richard Bach

I have come back again to where I belong;
not an enchanted place, but the walls are strong.
-- Dorothy H. Rath

About Faith and Hope...

Everything that is done in the world is
done by hope.
-- Martine Luther

"Hope" is the thing with feathers --
That perches in the soul --
And sings the tune without the words --
And never stops -- at all.
-- Emily Dickinson

We stand in life at midnight, we are
always on the threshold of a new dawn.
-- Martin Luther King Jr.

Faith is not belief without proof,
but trust without reservations.
-- Elton Trueblood

The steps of faith fall on the seeming
void and find the rock beneath.
-- Walt Whitman

It is only the lonely emergencies of
life that our creed is tested: the routine
maxims fail, and we fall back on our gods.
-- William James

About Adversity, Opportunity and Wisdom...

I am an old man and have known a great
many troubles, but most of them have never
-- Mark Twain

Nothing happens to anybody which he is not
fitted by nature to bear.
-- Marcus Aurelius

A man of character finds a special
attractiveness in difficulty, since it is
only by coming to grips with difficulty
that he can realize his potentialities.
-- Charles De Gaulle

When written in Chinese, the word "crisis"
is composed of two characters --
one represents danger and the other
represents oppurtunity.
-- John F. Kennedy

When one door is shut, another opens.
-- Cervantes

Oppurtunities are disguised as hard work,
so most people don't recognize them.
-- Ann Landers

When speculation has done its worst,
two and two still make four.
-- Samuel Johnson

Storms make oaks take deeper root.
-- George Herbert

The worst sin toward our fellow
creatures is not to hate them,
but to be indifferent to them:
that's the essence of inhumanity.
-- George Bernard Shaw

Most of the shadows of this life
are caused by standing in one's own sunshine.
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

There's no place like "Home"