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I Am Only One Person

I am only one person
What can one person do?

Rosa Parks,
Was only one person,
She said one word
She said it on December, 1, 1955.

One person Said
One word
She said it on a bus
She said it to the bus driver
On Cleveland Street in Montgomery

The bus driver said,
"Stand up, Nigger woman,
And Give up your seat
To that White man!"

Rosa Parks,
One person
Said one word
The Word was "NO!"

One woman
Said one Word
And a nation

One woman
Said one word
And a world

One woman
Said one word
And the Supreme Court

One woman
Said one word
And the buses were

I am only one person.
What can one person do?

Lo0k @ mY GuEsTb0oK
ScRibBlE 0n My GuEsTb0oK
