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When you walk away from your Super go to your computer and withdraw the POTION, this is key to winning your first battle. Leave your house in Pallet town and step into some thick grass to begin talking to the great Prof. Oak. He'll allow you to choose from three beginning pokémon. Beginners pick Bulbasaur. Careful, in my game if you pick Charmander then your rival will pick Squirtle. when both of yours and your nemesis battle Blastoise can easily extinguish Charizard. Beat him and pend some time in the grass raising your Pokémon to level 11.

Continue forth and talk to the people in the Mart in Viridian City. return to Oak to deliver his OAK'S PARCEL. recieve your POKEDEX and go to your rival's house to get a TOWN MAP. Go back to the Mart and purchase a few POKE BALLs. Capture the following Pokémon before you enter the Forest: PIDGEY, RATTATA, SPEAROW, and NIDORAN. (Nidoran can be caught if you go near the way to the Pokemon League. face Jack with a level 8&9 Pokemon. Make sure you have enough POKE BALLs to enter the forest. Go through and be sure to capture a Pikachu!

When you exit build your beginning Pokemon to level 16. Your beginner pokemon will evolve at level16. will evolve. Mainly build up your Nidoran because it is powerful, moreso than any other pokémon you've seen so far. In Pewter Go to the Museum, Gym, and continue to the left to te area with all the trainers. When you're at the end of Mt. Moon pick the HELIX FOSSIL, Omanyte. Go to Cerulean City, and be sure to go to bill's hoise past the dock with those five members. Go and beat the Gym Leader, Misty, and then go to the house that was broken into.

Go down and into that vertical long tunnel where a kid offers you a trade for your Nidoran, , just say no to this kid. Go to the S.S. Anne. They will allow you on because of Bill's ticket. Beat All of the Sailors and Guests. then go face the Captain to get HM01 or CUT. Use it on a grass type pokemon or some others too. Go defeat Lt. Surge in the Gym. He will fry a Normal or Flying Pokemon. than go through diglett's cave and go down when you get out, Recieve flash from Prof. Oak's Aide if you have 10 pokemon.

Travel through Diglett's cave, again, to get back to Vermilion. Travel back to cerulean and turn right. Go in The rock Tunnel. Go through Lavender and go towards Celadon City. enter Game Corner and hit the switch on the back wall. You will, after beating Giovanni, get the SILPH SCOPE. Travel back to Lavender Town, hopefully on your bike which the voucher for the store in Cerulean is in Vermilion. You should also have toe Old rod from the guro in Vermilion. Fight the Marowak in Lavender tower and continue on the Journey.

If you need to know where to go check your Town Map. if you hit up repeatedly on the map, you will find where to go next. If you need more help, just go to my Forum.

Thanks, Kyle
