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Drunken Adventures in Rainey Land

Let us start off with the wonderful story of Butch and Rainey's first drinking adventure together...This is quite a tale..and I have a couple snap shots from this night as well to add to the story. :)

ok Butch and I split a bottle of vodka this night. It was like 20 degrees out and we decided to go to the beach. We got there and started drinking. Butch decided he was going to take a little walk around the building..and that's when we heard the "oohhh oooohhh yeah" Butch came right back around the corner and we all started laughing..People were having sex around the corner from where we were..ok so I wanted to take some pics of us hanging out so I started back to the car..and yelled back "hey bring the whole purse or just the camera?" I'm assuming they thought we were going to take some pics of them and they got up and left..we were expecting kids our age to walk to their car. To our astonishment it was old people...and they were very embarrassed. we laughed and they left.. We continued to drink and by the time we were ready to go, I was way too trashed to drive so I asked Victoria to drive..little did I know that she had only driven stick one time before.. We stalled all the way...until she tried to turn into Texaco after missing our turn...she ran over a curb...going about 40...knocked both of my hubcaps off of my front tires..and flattening one...To my knowledge I thought I had a tire iron..HAHA no I (being as drunk as i was and about 20 miles from home) call my my dismay no one answered so i proceeded to call the operator and told her to come get us..LOL...she didn't, but a cop stopped hahaha this is where it gets good...all of us are under age..and butch and I were trashed ass...I fell on the ground and just laid there for a while..hehe and then the police man asked me if I had been I began to tell him the story (which all came out in one breath) and then I excused myself by saying "Excuse me officer I have to go vomit now"...he gave us a tire iron and changed the tire for us...I puked again...out the side of my car door...and I told butch that I had a crush on him but only when I was drunk..of course say the least I passed out in the back of my car and didn't wake up until it was 6am...then I drove back home to Matts..and ran off the drive way...and that's where my car stayed until the men next door picked it up and put it back on the drive way the next morning/afternoon... I had a wonderful adventure that day...

More adventures to come soon. Every day is an adventure but maybe a really good one will come soon...who knows

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