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New OrLEans

well i guess i should start with the ride to new orleans...nah.. we should start when MOM decides to wake us up at 6am so we can leave by 6:30... well all of us *meaning butch lindsay and me* are ready.. but of course the one who is supposed to be ready is the one still upstairs doing her make up.. that would be Mom... well after the morning make up treatment she walks down stairs *mind u its 7AM when we were supposed to be gone at 630 and still her luggage isn't in the car* she comes down stairs in full GOTH attire..I mean top hat and all.. we have a 8 hour drive ahead of us.. me, lins and butch are looking like rats *hehehe lindsay and her grinch slippers* ok well, we actually get shit together and get the fuck out of dodge around 7:30am.. Ok so now we are driving.. yay! finally on the road.

now we've made it through GA and i guess everyone was hungry.. so we stop in this hick ass bumpkinville town at a Shoney's on a Friday morning and it was fucking packed... our waitress had on the most awful pink lipstick.. it looked like she had just finished sucking a flamingo's ohhh there i go getting off subject.. so any way we pig out.. with everyone stairing at us... I just wanted to yell out "what?!? haven't you ever seen vampires eat before!" *laughs* but really i think they would have thought i was serious though... OK we paid our bill and hit the road again...

So we are driving and driving and driving and we hit a construction site.. MOM DOESN'T SLOW DOWN... there is a fucking cop in the median and she is fucking going 81 in a 50... and not only that but a construction site.. BIG TICKET ok so we drive and drive and drive again...

now we are in mississippi and we gotta stop and get gas.. i think we stopped in Endsville. It was the weirdest little town with the weirdest old people whom im assuming had never seen people that look like us.. I mean i do have pink hair... *laughs* this old guy says.. its not halloween yet.... i just gave him the death look and then he made a comment about vampires not being able to come out in the day.. i laughed and said "you watch too many movies".. he bailed outta that store really quick. hehehe.. ok now we are driving again..

Did i mention earlier that lindsay was sitting in the front seat shirtless with electrical tape over her nipples earlier... i don't think i did.. Well now i did... i think the truckers got an eye full.. well we finally arrived at the hotel.. and that's where the driving adventure ends.. god it was a long ride..
