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letter 1

hi.. id just like to reply to your comment in my guest book.. i think it needs a little clarification..

**I believe the only reason that you find goth "trendy" is that you play up to just about every stereotype of the subculture known to exist.**

ok, i do? please to open my eyes to what ive obviously chose to overlook in my whole portrayal of my page.. im not miss typical goth.. im actually quite the opposite. but id like to see your point of view on the subject.. possibly my mind can be swayed to your way of thinking..

**Vampires, Manson, Black, all terrible stereotypes that were created as a direct result of people like you claiming to be goth and then abusing it.**

ok.. once again.. lost in your mindless drivel... black? manson? vampires? *sings next phrase to the cure tune* show me, show me, show me, where you get that from.. where does my page say, *cuts of tune* that im into manson and vampires? truly, my page doesn't mention manson at all.. well except the link on the bands page put there as a joke, and my comment about rose mcgowan... so do tell.. please.. because id really like to know. and vampyres? and another thing, im hardly clad in black.. jeez you sure you weren't looking at someone else's page?

**Of course you will see the trendy side of it if you play up to these media reinforced stereotypes. That's what happens. Think it through.**

ok i thought it trough and i think your an idiot.. if you had made a comment about horrible html or horrible taste in music.. hey i can deal with taht..but youre making statements that aren't even relivant to my page...~rainey