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letter 2

**First, the vampire comment that I made was inspired not by any particular comment of yours, but by an award that I saw on your page, I believe it was called the Award of Vampiric Elegance and had three little pictures of vampires on it.**

ok... so im steriotypical because some one presented me with an award for my page? im into vampirism because i accepted an award and it happened to have little vampire guys on it? really.. that just seems a little funny to me.. but to be truthful with you.. although im sure its not important... i do like vampires.. read all the anne rice books and what not.. im actually very close friends with alot of people in the "vampyre" scene...but there is a serious difference between myself and some phoney ass twit who sleeps with a bella lugosi picture and waltzs arround proclaiming thier imortality while wearing plastic fangs that they store in a the little coffing carrying case.... i could really understand if i had flying bats and dripping blood bars on my page..but come on.. dude.. i have a jem theme *laughs* give me a break.

**The Manson comment.......if you did not intend to have it portray that you could possibly like Manson then it should not have been put on your page at all.**

who cares if i do/did like manson? what im saying is this.. a simple comment shouldn't be turned into a generalized statement cateorgizing me with the people who worship him... my page, once again, does not diplict that.. its hardly a shrine to manson..

**The comment about black was not necessarily directed at you, it was a generalization.**

just a little footnote... all goths wear black.. thats their trademark *laughs* and you dont wear black do you? yeah i thought so... :)

**Moreover, the comment I put in your guestbook was my own, the comment Devon put in there was hers, do not confuse the two and believe they go hand in hand, they do not. I was going to add my comments to hers, but decided it more effective if I signed it on my own,**

i never claimed they were the same.. i just was stating my opinion in your guest book as you two so freely did in mine.... only fair dont you think?

**I feel an urge to defend her, but I'm sure that after reading what you put in her guestbook she would never forgive me if I didn't leave the oppertunity for her.**

she can dish it out but cant take it *laughs*.. well believe this.. i have no problem spoon feeding her....but if shes as "witty" and "well-spoken" as yourself.. then, well, she shouldn't even bother..

**I don't believe being checked by the catty's makes you uncool, I believe the catty's have made some mistakes in their day, but after what I have read of you, I would say you are not an exception.**

im sorry you feel that way... i think that i present myself on the net as i do in real life. there are no hidden agendas.. no bullshit to increase my likability... and just enough to give people like you a reason to bitch about how goth has gone wrong.. blah blah blah.. ive seen thousands of pages that suck way more than mine does.. i just so happen to have pissed off one of the beastly bitches... so she checked me.. no big deal.. you wouldn't believe the positive feedback i got from that write-up... so i thank them.. more webtraffic.. more praise..and well occasionally a fuck up or 2 like you.. :)

**I find this pathetic, take what the two of us have written, ignore it if you like, heed it if you think you should, but do not attempt to pursue it like you have, there is no need.**

im not even going to touch the subject of pathetic... but its funny how now im the dick head.. the one who went about things wrong..

**We do not know you and you do not know us so why is there any need to take everything so personally?**

the reason for taking things personally is this, you didn't attack my horrible html, or my dumb graffics, attacked ME personally... how else does one take comments like "you play up to just about every stereotype of the subculture known to exist." and "all terrible stereotypes that were created as a direct result of people like you claiming to be goth and then abusing it." those are direct comments resulting in a personal attack.. so why do i take things personally??? humm i dunno.. now there is a difference between taking things personally and taking things seriously.. i dont really give a good god damn what you or your girl have to say.. but its something to do

**I feel it pointless to continue this banter with you, however if you feel the need please feel free to email me telling me what a fuck I am or how much of a hypocrite I seem.**

not a fuck, or a hypocrite.. just really silly, rather young, no education, no job, no car, no real sence of responsibility.. the net isn't real... its just for fun.. i hope that you'll get over this "steriotypical" goth attitude that is soo is so becoming for kids these days.. :)