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letter 3

**Just because you win it does not mean you need to include it.**

if someone ever gives you an award.. then you turn it down... and look like an asshole.. im not about that.. i thought it was a very nice gesture.. so over the award thing *laughs* i dont "play up to the vampire steriotype".. end of vampire subject.

**.... but if you try and deny the fact that he(manson) has become a gothic stereotype....**

i never said he wasn't a gothic steriotype.. he is very much viewed as the "goth of all goths" to the media and the christains who have no idea what goth really is. i was just stating that i didn't fit in that goth-who-worships manson-steriotype either.. end of manson subject.

**...I admit that it is also a fucking stereotype. I can live with it; by the way you continue to react to the things I say I would assume you cannot.**

how exactly am i reacting to things youre saying? im not reacting harshly.. im just corresponding with a person who reads between the lines.. its as simple as that. i find this hole big sha-bang to be actually humorous.. nothing more nothing less..

**You say well spoken about myself as if you were being sarcastic,...than you have not heard me speak. If you are referring to the way that I write, perhaps you should examine your own messages, filled with many a spelling error and grammatical error.**

im referring to the way you come across... lemmie break it down for ya wellspoken means 1 : speaking *and in this case typing* well, fitly, or courteously.. which in deed you do none of the above... so yes i was being sarcastic... and dude.. i never claimed to be an english major.. and i dont hit spell check..

** I have also seen many pages that are worse than yours and don't even try to say that I ever once made a comment about you having a "bad" page.**

then why do you bother me.. cuz of things you cant even truly explain yourself..becasuse im sooo steriotypical *which i think weve both come to the conclusion that im not* or is it cuz you dont have anything else to do?

**So you are not pathetic in being the one to not allow that comment in your guestbook to roll off your shoulders as being the opinion of some person who lives in another fucking country that, odds are, you will never meet once in your life.**

i dont get it? rephrase this for me please.. im not being sarcastic cuz i cant be.. i dont even understand what you were talking about here.

** Delete the fucking entry if you want I do not care.**

why.. im not intimidated by the words.. im just informing you that your words were callow and misgiven..

**I resent the comment you made as a closing statement to your email. You do not know me, do not presume to know what it is that I do or do not deal with.**

gotcha!!!!!! ahahhahahhahahahahahahahah hahahah god im falling on the floor laughing right now.. see.. now i could pull the ben appraoch and say to you " why cant you accept it as being the opinion of some person who lives in another fucking country that, odds are, you will never meet once in your life." or i could simply tell you the truth.. which is i hit you where it hurt.. you felt the need to explain yourself..because what i said about you, in your opinion, was the furthest thing from the truth... just the same way i reacted when i read what you wrote about me.. see.. sometimes you have to put the shoe on the other foot... understand my point of view now?