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my little angel

This is Butch..and he be my lil butchums... we are the bestest friends in the whole wide world..*looks at butch and yells* I fucking hate you, im never talking to you again! **five seconds later** hey butch gimmie a cigarette *sweet smile*

The meeting
i live in FL and Butch lives in atlanta.. so you might wonder how we met.. so here it is..
this stupid bitch from atlanta was down visiting FL with her parents (we will call her IT, either that or some other derogitory statement) and butch just so happened to be with her.. well the tacky toddler (it) met my friend Matt while he was working at the mosh pitt (at the time his store, but has since been closed down due bible belt bullshit town we happen to live in) well i guess they hit it off.. so they started talking and stuff, and well when it came down again she brought butch with her.. so me and butch were kinda forced together cuz the groping groupie(it) was constantly making out with her "man". so the first night, me and butch rode in my car out to the idiots summer house and you know that "uncomfortable silence" that strangers have sometimes.. well there was none of that.. and from then on we were inseparable.

manditory memories
tampa, g-ville, that little brown leather skirt you wanted to buy, aces, the damn cold ass frozen beach, the old people having sex, camera *hey bring the whole purse or just the camera?* vodka, vodka and wayyy too much vodka, "i have a crush on you butch, but only when im drunk", cops and flat tires, running around the freaking neighborhood in corsets looking for pink flamingos, picking oranges off the guy next door's tree, falling down, snore samples, wooden tulips, making creatures out of the clouds, *laughs* laying in dog shit hahahah!!, ect, ect...

friends till the end
so now we go visit each other and stuff... i go to atlanta, he comes here.. it used to be more frequent, but i work and he has school *mr college man* and well his trips to florida were kinda cut short with the free ride with the trendy trick bitch cuz *thank goddess the troll and my friend broke up, what a slutty whore she is/was anyways* but we still talk all the time.. and see each other as much as possible.. love ya from sky to bottom, side to side, and all the way from florida to china

"Stacy and I are the truth and the light.. and only through us shall you see the kingdom of heaven..."
~~qouted from Butch Teal (may he live forever)