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ok this is colin, god this guy cracks me up.. we met when he came down from philly to go to UF.. he's like me but older and more, umm well, ok i'll say it, umm no i won't. heheh let's just say that he's kinda been where i am now, so he likes to laugh at me from time to time, actually, all the time about me being "goth"..but ahh who cares its all good... i used to drag him to goth night and 80's night, but he wont go anymore.. really i don't blame him, cuz it sucks much ass, to tell the truth. he MADE me listen to NICK CAVE when we were hanging out...i totally made fun of it, but i love it now, who'd have thought? let's see, we went to the angels of light show in Atlanta together, i had a nice time.. umm except for the fact that we couldn't agree on what kinda music to listen to in the car and that im "A.d.d" because i "can't" listen to a whole song all the way through.. ohh... P.S. i like your new car, its pretty.
