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douglas eugene clark

Ok this is Evil Count Fibula.. aka fibbs... he was one of my first online friends and we are still day we'll meet up and hang out.. or ill fucking kill him... he's a great friend... almost 4 years of AOL im glad i IM'ed him..even if he was a punk ass to me the first time i talked to him :) *speeding tickets suck don't they doug?* we are rejects in the truest sence *giggles* sending "compilation" tapes to each other.. speaking of which, someone should be sending my tape in the mail soon!

count fibtacular has moved out of the wonderful state of florida without meeting me.. WHAT A DICK! right? *laughs* see we made this promise to each other that before he went back to OKC that we would meet up.. well he didn't fulfill his end of the deal *grins* little bastard must die..

Doug was supposed to come meet me and see THE CURE with me.. had me buy his friggen ticket and then his god damn car breaks! Can you mutha fucking believe that.. oh well i sold his ticket to a bitch who didn't even like the cure and had a glorious time.. I still love ya :laughs:

Doug and I still haven't met and probably never will *laughs* his family moved out of shitty florida and into even shittier Virgina.. the chances of Doug and I meeting now are slim to none.. I shall kill him..this i swear!