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disclaimer of some sort

and bow down to

You're about to enter a page full of rants, terrible spelling and foul language. The whole page is about me.. There isn't anything of value here to the majority of the world.. no great essays speaking of world peace or how to end the suffering of the poor helpless souls in Ethiopia who consistently breed more into poverty.. nothing to make you say damn, well except possibly my piss poor poetry, and even that is debatable..

I've denounced Goth.. i no longer feel the need to associate myself with a bunch of plastic people who have taken over what was once a great scene. this is my take on the scene today, the majority of the "goths" are interested in the "look" of cotton instead of the feel. pardon the commercial phrase but its just so fitting, it is the fabric of our lives. Now to those whom I've made angry or possibly offended with that statement.... suck it.. it wasn't intended to offend anyone (although these days, i could say i hate chocolate milk and someone would bitch at me because I offended the Hershey chocolate factory) I'm sick of the people who walk out of Sam Goody with a switchblade CD in one hand and a GAP bag on the other claiming gothinticity.. Its all fake shit.. Goth is fashion to them and probably to you... its no longer looked upon as a life style..and I'm just way over the whole tragic goth as fuck bullshit.. So blah..I'm still going to continue to run my webrings and my "Grimly Glittery Gothic Ghoul of the bi-month page" cuz a lot of people seem to like it, and well it's still fun and some what of a time consumer in my boring everyday life.

Now for updates on my page.. I haven't really updated shit lately but lets see..transformation, transformato. Being the vain bitch i am..i've added some new pictures of myself. And for the whole world.. a real update! I've been thrown out of waffle house for saying FUCK 11 times in one sentence! that is unbeatable. I've never seen anyone get booted out of waffle house before. It takes skills and baybee i gottem! OK so browse around.. *last updated on 06.15.2001* tell me whatcha think in my wonderful guestbook :) bye

::hear that mindless chatter?::
.the sanest days are mad.. in Stacy.

Join my webring

i also run a goth x of the x site.. so if you are already bored here with my silly little home page and are thinking of leaving.. go take a look at the GGGG of the *bi*month...

IF you have any comments or you wanna tell me hello feel free to email me
