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Dream Boat Annie

Right now you are the only thing on my mind
i wish you could see it my way and not be so blind
jealousy, god its a bitch and a half
All sent to me for a laugh..
I over reacted and made a mistake
it wasn't supposed to cause pain or heartache
One simple flaw.. is it that i care?
Love! No i wouldn't dare.
the things that run through my mind...
Was i really that rude or unkind?
you worried about her feelings, were they really hurt?
Her flames of desire extinguished with my ruthless
But what about me.. when you yelled about trust?
Would it bother you that she no longer see you as an
object of lust?
So now im the bitch..
A bleeding heart in need of a stich.. know what they say about trust is true,
it could take eternity to earn it.. and in a minute you
can lose it.. things impossible to undo.