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The Fun Shit

ok this is just a whack off has some shit just for fun on the forum below...its a postboard just for you guys! Also the greeting card thingie is there so go ahead and send a card..there has to be someone you should tell you care..or someone you pissed off..use it to suck up or whatever...
Here is the every one don't hesitate...jump in there and post your thoughts! So leave post its..we can all communicate, just click on the forum button..i know you can do it.. :)

Here is a chance for you to send an eevvviiilll post card. Take a few minutes and send one to someone... OK! You caught me! They aren't really evil but you could write something mean in them and they would be!

Click Here to Send an Internet Greeting Card
Enter Card ID Number to Pickup Your Greeting Card:
ok care to send the very best? no its not a's even better. Yes!!! Rainey has done it! She has found a card studio that you can send wonderful cards to people for absolutely free..yes i said free its not a Hallmark and it didn't cost ya a's the thought that counts remember...HEHEHHE
The Sears Portrait Studio Card Gallery